What is Sphota in Dhvani theory?

SPHOTA REFERS TO THE DISTINCTIVE PERCEPTION OF SOUND According to the second view, dhvani refers to the sounds emitted from the speaker’s vocal organ, whereas the sounds reaching the ears of the listener is called sphoTa. Here, the relation between sphoTa and dhvani is that of manifester and manifested.

Who has given theory of Sphota?

Bhartrhari solved this problem of meaning by his theory of sphota as holistic theory or by sentence holism. So we have arrived at the discussion of the determinant of meaning of a sentence. But before discussing it, I want to go to reformulate the discussion of Bhartrhari on the kinds of sentence. 1.

How is the doctrine of Sphota related to Dhvani?

In short the sphota is related to the primary sounds while dhvani is originated only after the manifestation of sphota. For grammarians dhvani is vyanjaka. It is not the sphota which is vyangya. On the other hand for the kavyamimamsakas dhvani is vyangya.

What is Vakyapadiya?

Author: Sharda Narayanan. Bhartrihari is an early figure in Indian linguistics who lived around 5th century B.C. His work is known as Vakya-padiya (treatise on words and sentences). But the word ‘Vakya’ is the name of the Science of Mimamsa exegesis, and ‘Pada’ is the name of the Science of Grammar.

What is Alamkara literature?

Alamkara refers to “the figures of speech”- The word alamkara stands for a thing of beauty. The rhetoricians deal with the alamkaras in detail and the poet use them profusely in their works. Alamkara has an ancient origin.

What is the meaning of Mimansa?

Mimamsa, (Sanskrit: “Reflection” or “Critical Investigation”) one of the six systems (darshans) of Indian philosophy. Mimamsa, probably the earliest of the six, is fundamental to Vedanta, another of the six systems, and has deeply influenced the formulation of Hindu law (see Indian law).

What is basically a study of language Spota?

Sphoṭa (Sanskrit: स्फोट, IPA: [ˈspʰoːʈɐ]; “bursting, opening”, “spurt”) is an important concept in the Indian grammatical tradition of Vyakarana, relating to the problem of speech production, how the mind orders linguistic units into coherent discourse and meaning.

Who was Bharti Hari?

Bhartrihari was long believed to have lived in the seventh century CE, but according to the testimony of the Chinese pilgrim Yijing […] he was known to the Buddhist philosopher Dignaga, and this has pushed his date back to the fifth century CE.

What is alankara Sastra?

Summary. The Alankara-sastra is called Poetics in English-( the science of poetry). In its wider sense, Alankara means ornament, embellishment, that which beautifies poetry.It is also called as Sahitya. It embraces in its sphere, theory of poetry, the origin, form and variety of poet’s work.

How many types of Alamkara are there?

There are two large classes of alankara: arthalankara (artha, “meaning”), which ornaments the meaning of the word, and shabdalankara (shabda, “word”), which ornaments its sound.

What is an example of structuralism?

An example of structuralism is describing an apple. An apple is crisp, sweet, juicy, round, and hard. Another example of structuralism is describing your experience at the ocean by saying it is windy, salty, and cold, but rejuvenating.