What is spatial and temporal distribution?

Spatial refers to space. Temporal refers to time. Spatiotemporal, or spatial temporal, is used in data analysis when data is collected across both space and time. It describes a phenomenon in a certain location and time — for example, shipping movements across a geographic area over time (see above example image).

What is the meaning of spatial temporal?

Definition of spatiotemporal 1 : having both spatial and temporal qualities. 2 : of or relating to space-time.

What is the meaning of spatial and temporal variation?

(a) Under pure spatial variation, factors vary across a spatial transect but are constant from one time period to another. (b) Under pure temporal variation, factors vary from one time to another but are constant across space.

What is temporal and spatial relationship?

Spatial relationships indicate physical position, such as ‘above,’ ‘below,’ or ‘inside. ‘ Temporal relationships, on the other hand, indicate sequence, logic, and time, such as ‘secondly,’ ‘hourly,’ or ‘before lunchtime.

What is temporal distribution?

Temporal distribution of earthquakes, especially so-called characteristic earthquakes recurring on a specific fault or fault segment, often represented by a renewal process. It is defined as a series of events in which interevent times are independently and identically distributed.

What is meant by spatial distribution?

A spatial distribution is the arrangement of a phenomenon across the Earth’s surface and a graphical display of such an arrangement is an important tool in geographical and environmental statistics.

What is the difference between spatial and temporal locality?

There are two basic types of reference locality – temporal and spatial locality. Temporal locality refers to the reuse of specific data and/or resources within a relatively small time duration. Spatial locality (also termed data locality) refers to the use of data elements within relatively close storage locations.

What is temporal variation example?

The degree of temporal variation is related to the degree of karstification, mantle thickness, and the proportion of conduit to diffuse flow. For example, nitrate concentrations in groundwater generally increase following seasonal applications of fertilizers and subsequent recharge of the groundwater system.

What is spatial distribution examples?

A spatial distribution study works by selecting a variable and plotting incidents of that variable on a map. For example, imagine that you wanted to know which neighborhoods in a town were the most expensive. Cost is your variable, so you assign colors to different values.

What are the 3 types of spatial distribution?

Dispersion or distribution patterns show the spatial relationship between members of a population within a habitat. Individuals of a population can be distributed in one of three basic patterns: uniform, random, or clumped.

What is temporal distribution in geography?

the specific location or arrangement of continuing or successive objects or events in space or time.