What is sound produced by humans?

The vocal cords vibrate as a result of the air. And the sound is produced by the vibrating vocal cords. When we talk or sing, our vocal cords literally vibrate. Vocal sounds are produced by the vibration of the vocal cords caused by expelled air.

How is sound produced in humans one word?

Sound in human body is produced by larynx , it is an organ in the neck which controls the pitch and volume of sound and also blocks food to go through trachea . Was this answer helpful?

What is sound produced by humans Class 8?

The lungs pass a current of air between the two vocal cords. This air makes the vocal cords vibrate. And the vibrating vocal cords produce sound. When we talk or sing we actually make our vocal cords vibrate.

How do humans produce sound for kids?

Our voice makes sound when we use air from our lungs to vibrate our vocal cords, which sit inside your voice box. To find your voice box, feel for the bony lump at the front of your throat. We sometime call this an “Adam’s apple” in men. The air from the lungs causes the vocal cords to move really quickly.

How is sound produced when we talk?

When you want to speak, you close your vocal folds and begin to exhale, causing an increase in pressure that starts them vibrating (cyclic opening and closing). The vibration of the vocal folds chops the air flow, producing a buzz-like sound which doesn’t sound much like what we hear when we listen to someone’s voice!

How is sound produced explain with example?

Answer : Sound is produced by the vibrations of any object These vibrations are transferred to air particles and reach to us. For example – In school bell, when the gong strikes the bell, vibrations are produced in the bell which are transmitted through the air to our ears.

How is the sound produced by humans write in short?

When human speaks, the muscles present in our larynx get stretched and the opening becomes narrower. When air is made to pass through the slit, the vocal cords vibrate. With more tightening of vocal cords, vibrations in it increase and hence higher volume of sound is produced.

How human sound is produce and perceive?

Speech is produced by bringing air from the lungs to the larynx (respiration), where the vocal folds may be held open to allow the air to pass through or may vibrate to make a sound (phonation). The airflow from the lungs is then shaped by the articulators in the mouth and nose (articulation).

How is sound generated?

Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. When an object vibrates, it causes movement in surrounding air molecules. These molecules bump into the molecules close to them, causing them to vibrate as well. This makes them bump into more nearby air molecules.

How can we produce sound give three examples?


  1. In guitar when they pluck the strings of a guitar, it vibrates and produces sound.
  2. Sound Production by vibrating objects in tuning fork. A fork consists of two tines and a handle.
  3. Sound is produced by the larynx in humans. Two vocal cords are stretched across the voice box.