What is Solaris administration?

Solaris administrator provides technical and infrastructure support services for Solaris OS based servers and systems, including but not limited to Systems Administration of UNIX (Solaris), DNSSec, SFTP and other Solaris based services.

How do I login as root in Solaris?

How to Become Superuser (root) or Assume a Role

  1. Log in as a user, start the Solaris Management Console, select a Solaris management tool, and then log in as root.
  2. Log in as superuser on the system console.
  3. Log in as a user, and then change to the superuser account by using the su command at the command line.

How do I run a script in Solaris?

Writing any script involves these steps:

  1. Run the UNIX command interactively at a shell prompt.
  2. Create the shell script containing the UNIX command.
  3. Make the shell script executable.
  4. Test the script.
  5. Launch the script in one of the following ways: Interactively. Once, at a future date and time.

Does Solaris OS still exist?

Solaris supports SPARC and x86-64 workstations and servers from Oracle and other vendors. Solaris was registered as compliant with UNIX 03 until 29 April 2019. Historically, Solaris was developed as proprietary software….Oracle Solaris.

Screenshot of Java Desktop System on Solaris 10
Official website www.oracle.com/solaris

How do I give a user Sudo access in Solaris?


  1. Create a user and specify the home directory. Issue the command:
  2. Grant sudo permissions to the user for all commands. Note: By default, the sudo command requires user authentication before it runs a command.
  3. Set the password for the newly created user. Issue the command: bash-2.05b$passwd tdiuser.

How do I run a .sh script?

GUI method to run . sh file

  1. Select the file using mouse.
  2. Right-click on the file.
  3. Choose Properties:
  4. Click Permissions tab.
  5. Select Allow executing file as a program:
  6. Now click the file name and you will be prompted. Select “Run in the terminal” and it will get executed in the terminal.

How do I run a command in Bash?

In order to run a Bash script on your system, you have to use the “bash” command and specify the script name that you want to execute, with optional arguments. Alternatively, you can use “sh” if your distribution has the sh utility installed. As an example, let’s say that you want to run a Bash script named “script”.

How do I find Solaris OS version?

Verifying Operating System Version on Oracle Solaris

  1. To determine which version of Oracle Solaris is installed: Copy $ uname -r.
  2. To determine the release level: Copy $ cat /etc/release.
  3. To determine detailed information about the operating system version such as update level, SRU, and build: On Oracle Solaris 10.

What is Solaris best used for?

Oracle Solaris is the best enterprise operating system for Oracle Database and Java applications. Focused enhancements across CPU, memory, file system, I/O, networking, and security deliver the best database, middleware, and application performance for Oracle workloads.

How do I switch to su root?

The sudo command allows you to run programs as another user, by default the root user. If the user is granted with sudo assess, the su command is invoked as root. Running sudo su – and then typing the user password has the same effect the same as running su – and typing the root password.