What is sofosbuvir used for?

Sofosbuvir is used along with ribavirin (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribasphere, others) and sometimes another medication (peginterferon alfa [Pegasys]) to treat certain types of chronic hepatitis C (an ongoing viral infection that damages the liver) in adults.

What is Sovaldi used for?

What is SOVALDI? ribavirin SOVALDI is used to treat children 3 years of age and older with chronic HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection without cirrhosis or with compensated cirrhosis in combination with ribavirin.

How much is Sovaldi cost?

Sovaldi is expensive. The wholesale cost of Sovaldi is $1000 per 400mg tablet. This means a 12-week treatment course of Sovaldi would cost around $84,000 and a 24-week course, $168,000.

How much does sofosbuvir cost?

Sofosbuvir (Sovaldi): This medication costs $1,000 per 400 mg pill. The total cost for a 12-week course is around $84,000, and doctors will typically prescribe it with other medicines, such as simeprevir.

Is sofosbuvir an antibiotic?

SOFOSBUVIR; VELPATASVIR (soe fos’ bue veer; vel pat’ us veer) is an antiviral medicine. It is used with other medicines to treat hepatitis C. It will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

Is ribavirin an antibiotic?

Is ribavirin (Rebetol) an antibiotic? No, ribavirin (Rebetol) is an oral antiviral medication and is only used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. It can’t be used for other types of infections.

Can Sovaldi cause liver damage?

This is because even after you’ve completed treatment, you may still have symptoms of liver damage. If you have questions about what you can expect after treatment with Sovaldi, talk with your doctor. They can discuss with you whether you might need to be monitored for liver problems after treatment.

Does Sovaldi cure hep C?

Official Answer. Yes, Sovaldi does cure hepatitis C in most people when it is used in combination with at least one other hepatitis C treatment. A cure is defined as a sustained virologic response (SVR) for a certain period (usually 12 weeks) and is usually written as SVR12.

Why is Sovaldi so cheap in India?

The newspaper says that current treatments for the disease in India run about $6,000 and require a 24- to 48-week course of injectables that come with serious side effects. So Sovaldi will be cheaper and easier to administer, with fewer side effects and the ability to cure many of the cases.

Can Hepatitis be cured permanently?

There’s no cure for hepatitis B. The good news is it usually goes away by itself in 4 to 8 weeks. More than 9 out of 10 adults who get hepatitis B totally recover. However, about 1 in 20 people who get hepatitis B as adults become “carriers,” which means they have a chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis B infection.