What is socially optimal quantity?

The socially optimal quantity of pol- lution is the quantity of pollution that society would choose if all the costs and benefits of pollution were fully accounted for.

What does socially optimal mean in economics?

The output level that reflects all the costs and benefits associated with a transaction i.e. it is the equilibrium that would be achieved if the market outcome reflects the effect of externalities.

How do you find the socially optimal quantity?

Answer: To find the socially optimal amount of the good we need to set the market demand curve equal to the marginal cost curve. Here we assume that both the demand curve and the marginal cost curve include all the benefits and all the costs, respectively, that society faces with this good.

What is the socially optimal quantity of pollution?

The socially optimal quantity of pollution is: – zero. – the quantity whose marginal social cost is equal to zero.

What is the optimal quantity?

The optimal quantity is the exact amount of inventory you should order and keep on hand to meet demand. Finding your optimal order quantity for a product is the goal of calculating its EOQ. However, this number is very difficult to achieve as any slight variance in demand, cost, or price will throw your numbers off.

What is socially optimal solution?

Economists define a “socially optimal solution” as “the optimal distribution of resources in society, taking into account all external costs and benefits as well as internal costs and benefits.”

What is the socially optimal outcome game theory?

More specifically, the Nash equilibrium is a concept of game theory where the optimal outcome of a game is one where no player has an incentive to deviate from their chosen strategy after considering an opponent’s choice.

What is the efficient quantity?

The efficient quantity of a good is the quantity that makes marginal benefit from the good equal to marginal cost of producing it. If marginal benefit exceeds marginal cost, resources use will be more efficiently if the quantity is increased.

What is the socially optimal price of a monopoly?

A Socially Optimal Price is a price where the monopoly reaches allocative efficiency (DARP=MC). Since a price ceiling that low would cause some monopolies to incur an economic loss, a Fair Return Price is a viable alternative. The Fair Return Price is found where price equals Average Total Cost (DARP=ATC).

What is the socially optimal quantity of output in this market?

Socially Optimum Quantity Formula; where marginal social benefit equals cost. In words this means that when the marginal social benefit of output is equal to the marginal social cost of output, then we will achieve the socially optimal quantity of output.

Why is the socially optimal level of pollution not zero?

Most people would automatically give the answer that zero pollution would be optimal. However, the optimal level of pollution is not zero; instead, the optimal level is obtained by following our economic decision rule of equating the marginal benefit to the marginal cost.

What does optimal quality mean?

Optimal quality is the level of quality that maximizes customers’ satisfaction and firms’ profit. To determine optimal quality, we will develop a simple model, the basic features of which are as follows: (a) Customers’ satisfaction (utility).