What is Smad stand for?

Quantitative Proteomics of the SMAD (Suppressor of Mothers against Decapentaplegic) Transcription Factor Family Identifies Importin 5 as a Bone Morphogenic Protein Receptor SMAD-specific Importin* – Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Is Smad a transcription factor?

Trimers of two receptor-regulated SMADs and one co-SMAD act as transcription factors that regulate the expression of certain genes.

How are SMAD proteins activated?

Smad proteins belong to a family of proteins that are part of the TGF-β signaling pathway and negatively regulate the growth of epithelial cells. On binding of TGF-β, TGF-β receptor II activates TGF-β receptor I by phosphorylation. TGF-β receptor I in turn activates Smad2 and Smad3.

What does the Smad pathway do?

The Smad-signaling pathway, which operates downstream of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily of ligands, regulates a diverse set of biological processes, including proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, in many different organ systems.

What is a mediated moderation and how does it work?

A mediated moderation then exists if this moderator effect is applied to an indirect path from the IV to the DV via a mediator (MED). So there is an indirect effect, the strength of which depends on the moderator and therefore the strength of the overall effect depends on the moderator.

How does chip interact with SMAD1 and SMAD4?

We have shown that CHIP interacts with Smad1 and Smad4, which is the complex activated in response to BMP signals (18, 20).

Can We precipitate flag-tagged SMAD1 coexpressed with Myc-chip in mammalian cell lysates?

In the initial test, we could not precipitate Flag-tagged Smad1 coexpressed with Myc-CHIP in mammalian cell lysates (Fig. ​(Fig.2A,2A, left two lanes). Since it was shown that the CHIP protein could mediate protein degradation, we reasoned that the interacting complex of CHIP with Smad1 might turn over too quickly to be precipitated down.

Do clones have SMAD1 interacting proteins?

After sequencing all of the 20 positive clones, we found those candidate clones encoding known Smad1-interacting proteins, including Smad4, Smurf1, and Smurf2, indicating that our screen was successful.