What is SigmaPlot used for?

What is SigmaPlot? SigmaPlot for Windows is a technical graphing program designed for the Windows Platform. It can be used effectively to produce all types of graphs and charts, including a nonlinear curve fitter, worksheets that accommodate large data sets and summary statistics.

How do you smooth data in SigmaPlot?

SigmaPlot 2D and 3D Graph Smoothing. SigmaPlot provides seven different data smoothing algorithms that should satisfy most smoothing needs – negative exponential, loess, running average, running median, bisquare, inverse square and inverse distance. Each smoother contains options that make them very flexible.

Is SigmaPlot a programming language?

SigmaPlot is a scientific graphing and visualization software package with advanced curve fitting, a vector-based programming language, and macro capability.

What is the latest version of SigmaPlot?

The current version is 14.

How do you smooth out a graph?

Smooth the line graph

  1. Right click the series you need, and select Format Data Series in the context menu. See screenshot:
  2. In the Format Data Series dialog, click Line Style in left pane, and check Smoothed line option in right section. See screenshot:
  3. Close the dialog. Then you can see the line chart become smooth.

How do you make a bar graph with error bars in SigmaPlot?

To create an error bar plot, select one of the error bar graph types. Your error bar computation choices are made from the graph wizard. SigmaPlot is powerful at summarizing your raw data, so you don’t have to compute your means and std. deviations or errors—SigmaPlot will do that for you.

How do I change axis values in SigmaPlot?

You can change the axis position later, by dragging it on the graph page, or in the Graph Properties dialog, at Axis > Lines > Show/place axis (drag the slider, or enter a percentage value. “0%” resets the axis position to the edge of the graph. Axis pairs in SigmaPlot graphs are bound to the plots in the graph.