What is shark fin waveform on capnography?

Bronchoconstriction also causes the rectangular-shaped capnography waveform to have a “shark fin” appearance. A rectangular waveform indicates that difficulty breathing is from another cause that will not be helped by albuterol.

What is a shark fin waveform?

The shark fin waveform is an uncommon but high-risk ECG pattern of STEMI which should be diagnosed early and differentiated from other conditions causing similar waveforms such as wide-complex tachycardia and hyperkalemia.

What does curare cleft mean?

Curare Cleft: A dip in the plateau (curare cleft) indicates a spontaneous respiratory effort during mechanical ventilation.

What does hyperventilation look like on capnography?

In addition to auscultating lung sounds, the shape of the capnography waveform during panic-induced hyperventilation would have a crisp rectangular shape, but with bronchospasm it will have a slurred upstroke, or shark-fin appearance.

What does high end tidal CO2 mean?

So a high ETCO2 is a good sign of good ventilation, while low ETCO2 is bad sign that represents hypoventilation. If the patient has slow or shallow respirations, it means he is retaining CO2 in his blood, so less CO2 will pass through his airway, then a low ETCO2 will show on the monitor.

What does a flat plateau on a Capnogram mean?

In phase 3 (C to D on the capnogram), all of the gas passing by the CO2 sensor is alveolar gas which causes the capnograph to flatten out. This is often called the Alveolar Plateau. The End Tidal CO2 value displayed on the monitor is considered the value taken at end exhalation.

What does a flat plateau on a capnogram mean?

What two phases are most important to the interpretation of a capnography waveform?

A time capnogram has two important segments: inspiratory and expiratory.

What type of patient problem might be indicated with a shark fin shaped wave form?

Asthma. P: Ventilation. Although the classic “shark’s fin” shape is indicative of obstructive diseases like asthma, EtCO2 can provide additional information about your patient.

What indicates respiratory failure on capnography?

Think respiratory failure when ETCO2 is high The amount of CO2 at the end of exhalation, or end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) is normally 35-45 mm HG. The height of the capnography waveform accompanies this number on the monitor, as well as the respiratory rate.