What is session ID?

A session ID is a unique number that a Web site’s server assigns a specific user for the duration of that user’s visit (session). The session ID can be stored as a cookie, form field, or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Some Web servers generate session IDs by simply incrementing static numbers.

What is the value of session ID?

Session ID values are transmitted between the browser and the Web server in a cookie, or in the URL if cookieless sessions are specified. SessionID values are sent in clear text whether as a cookie or as part of the URL.

What is session ID length?

Session identifiers should be at least 128 bits long to prevent brute-force session guessing attacks. The WebLogic deployment descriptor should specify a session identifier length of at least 128 bits. A shorter session identifier leaves the application open to brute-force session guessing attacks.

What can be done with session ID?

A session ID is a little technological helper that allows a user to be clearly identified on a website and assigned to their session. The session ID allows access to data from the user’s recent session. This data is saved on the server of the website in question.

Who creates session id?

A cookie is a short bit of text passed back and forth between client and server with every request/response. IIS generates a session id, saves it, and any associated data, and passes the in a cookie to the client (browser).

Who creates session ID?

How does session ID look like?

The session Id consists of both a random number and a hash combining some properties of the user such as the username and IP address. The resulting session Id is stored in the session store and looked up for each request. I feel this is a little more secure than just using a (Cryptographically secure) random number.

What is the purpose of session ID in SSL?

SSL session IDs – This method is based on both the client and server keeping session security parameters for a period of time after a fully negotiated connection is terminated. A server that intends to use session resumption assigns a unique identifier for the session, called the session ID.

How many characters is a session ID?