What is service delivery architecture?
What is service delivery architecture?
A service delivery platform (SDP) is a set of components that provides a service(s) delivery architecture (such as service creation, session control and protocols) for a type of service delivered to consumer, whether it be a customer or other system.
What is EA purpose?
Enterprise IT design – the purpose of EA is the greater alignment between IT and business concerns. The main purpose of enterprise architecture is to guide the process of planning and designing the IT/IS capabilities of an enterprise in order to meet desired organizational objectives.
What is architectural context diagram?
Going back to my original question: what is an architecture context diagram? It is simply a visual that shows the complete context of a proposed architectural change. It must make that context sensible to a range of stakeholders from very diverse backgrounds.
What are the elements of context in architecture?
The elements of context are physical and non-physical. Buildings, Roads and land contour are the examples of physical elements while the non-physical elements are local culture, weather condition, as well as political and Economical constraints.
What are the two major phases of service delivery?
Service delivery has two major phases: build and deploy.
What are delivery platforms?
An Application Delivery Platform is a suite of technologies that handles application services like load balancing, security controls and traffic management in data centers and cloud environments. The application services platform’s role is to deliver applications reliably and securely to end users.
What is EA methodology?
An EA development methodology is a body of methods, rules and postulates used to structure, plan, and implement the process of developing an EA. A methodology usually specifies a set number of development phases, each with its own defined inputs and outputs.
What is the difference between DFD and context diagram?
A Data flow diagram (DFD) is a much more complex representation of a context diagram. DFD show a further level of detail not shown in the context diagram. DFD’s identify the source of data, its flow between processes and its destination. It along also shows data generated by the system.