What is serial communication RS232?

RS232 is a standard protocol used for serial communication, it is used for connecting computer and its peripheral devices to allow serial data exchange between them. As it obtains the voltage for the path used for the data exchange between the devices.

What is difference between RS232 and serial?

Serial transmission is still used extensively in industrial monitoring and embedded systems and can be used with converters on USB equipped machines. RS232 allows direct control of industrial devices like UPS systems without the need for software assistance.

What is UART in pic?

UART is the abbreviation for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter and is a commonly used hardware module for serial communication based on communication protocols like RS 232.

What is serial communication in microcontroller?

Serial communication (also called RS232 communication) enables a microcontroller to be connected to another microcontroller or to a PC using a serial cable. Some microcontrollers have built-in hardware called USART (universal synchronous-asynchronous receiver-transmitter) to implement a serial communication interface.

What voltage is RS-232?

The standard specifies a maximum open-circuit voltage of 25 volts: signal levels of ±5 V, ±10 V, ±12 V, and ±15 V are all commonly seen depending on the voltages available to the line driver circuit. Some RS-232 driver chips have inbuilt circuitry to produce the required voltages from a 3 or 5 volt supply.

How does RS-232 communication work?

RS232 follows asynchronous communication protocol i.e. there is no clock signal to synchronize transmitter and receiver. Hence, it uses start and stop bits to inform the receiver when to check for data. There is a delay of certain time between the transmissions of each bit.

What is baud rate in PIC microcontroller?

Baud rate defines the rate of data transfer between two devices such as transmitting and receiving microcontrollers. It is also known as bits per second. This data transfer rate depends on the type of microcontroller or device we are using. Some old computers support the transfer rates between 100 to 9600 bps.

What is RS232 in microcontroller?