What is seep W software?
What is seep W software?
SEEP/W (SEEPage for Windows) is a finite element software product that can be used to model the movement and pore-water pressure distribution within porous materials such as soil and rock. It is formulated on the basis that flow of water through saturated soil follows Darcy’s Law.
What is GeoStudio used for?
GeoStudio enables you to combine analyses using different products into a single modeling project, using the results from one as the starting point for another. Multiple geometries, including 1D, 2D, and 3D geometries, may also be included in a single file.
How do you calculate exit hydraulic gradient?
The distance between the two equipotential lines on the downstream end in the X area is 3.3 m. The exit gradient is then computed as 0.62 divided by 3.3 making the upward gradient 0.19.
What is a phreatic surface?
groundwater level, phreatic surface) – The surface within the zone of saturation of an unconfined aquifer along which the pressure is atmospheric. Head, total: The sum of the elevation head, the pressure head, and the velocity head at a given point in an aquifer.
What does slope W do?
SLOPE/W is the leading slope stability software for soil and rock slopes. SLOPE/W can effectively analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions.
What is QUAKE W?
QUAKE/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling earthquake liquefaction and dynamic loading. QUAKE/W determines the motion and excess pore-water pressures that arise due to earthquake shaking, blasts, or sudden impact loads.
What is slope W used for?
What is seepage exit gradient?
The concept of exit gradients was developed primarily from pure upward flow in a column of soil. Consider the column in Figure 1. Water will flow upward through the column if the applied total hydraulic head H at the bottom of the column is greater than the surface elevation of the column.
What is exit hydraulic gradient?
Exit Gradient: The exit gradient is the hydraulic gradient at the downstream end of the. flow line where percolating water leaves the soil mass and emerges into the free water at. the downstream. Maximum Exit Gradient: dams and sheet pile walls.