What is sciatica in Afrikaans?
What is sciatica in Afrikaans?
English to Afrikaans Dictionary – Meaning of Sciatic in Afrikaans is : skiatiese.
What is Afrikaans HEK English?
English Translation. gate. More meanings for hek. gate noun.
What is the Afrikaans word for skunk?
Afrikaans Translation. muishond. More Afrikaans words for skunk. muishond noun.
What does Beny in Afrikaans mean?
envy. So, this is how you say “beny” in english.
What is NES in English?
n.e.s. in American English abbreviation. not elsewhere specified. Also: N.E.S. Most material © 2005, 1997, 1991 by Penguin Random House LLC.
Do skunks eat meat?
They have included meat in their diet, with 90% of a skunk’s diet consisting of meat treats. What a skunk eats will determine how long it lives and how healthy it will be. When living in the wild, skunks will eat snakes, insects, rodents, eggs, rabbits, fish, moles, reptiles, and nesting birds.
What is DIA in English?
dia- in American English prefix. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Greek ( diabetes; dialect) and used, in the formation of compound words, to mean “ passing through” (diathermy), “thoroughly,” “completely” (diagnosis), “ going apart” (dialysis), and “opposed in moment” (diamagnetism)
What do we call pet in English?
noun. any domesticated or tamed animal that is kept as a companion and cared for affectionately. a person especially cherished or indulged; favorite: He was the teacher’s pet. a thing particularly cherished.
What is the full form of NES?
NES. Nintendo Entertainment System. Sports — and more…
Do skunks eat snakes?
Skunks eat fruit, worms, insects, fish, snakes, and dead animals. A snake bite will not kill a skunk because they are immune to snake venom. Great horned owls will eat skunks and don’t seem to be offended by their odor. Their front claws are used to dig burrows for rooting for food.