What is runway database?

The Runway Incursion database contains records of events involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take off of aircraft. Runway incursion events are reported by the respective air traffic control tower.

What is the length of airport runway?

Between these two runway extremes sits a “typical” commercial airline runway length: roughly between 8,000 feet (2,438 meters) and 13,000 feet (3,962 meters).

How is runway length measured?

Takeoff Run Available (TORA) – the runway length declared available and suitable for satisfying takeoff run requirements. The TORA is measured from the start of takeoff to a point 200 feet from the beginning of the departure Runway Protection Zone.

What is runway capacity of an airport?

In this work runway capacity is defined as the maximum attainable service rate and depends only on the physical and operational characteristics ofthe runway system and the aircraft which use it.

Does runway length include displaced threshold?

Displaced thresholds are included in the overall runway length but are not included as part of the Landing Distance Available (LDA).

How long is a runway for a 737?

This is especially true for the critical aircraft – the Boeing 737-900 which requires a landing length of 6,800 feet under wet conditions and a takeoff length of 9,700 feet under maximum takeoff weight.

What is runway configuration?

The term “runway configuration” refers to the number and relative orientations of one or more runways on an airfield. Many runway configurations exist. Most configurations are combinations of several basic configurations.

What is runway capacity and how is it determined?

V. Runway capacity is estimated for a 60-minute interval in function of average runway occupancy times. In order to determine the capacity of the set of runways, the following factors are taken into account: a) Planning factors; and b) Factors related to landing and take-off operations.

What is Cwy in aviation?

Description. In aviation, clearway is a term related to the dimension of some runways and it is abbreviated with CWY. A clearway is an area beyond the paved runway, free of obstructions and under the control of the airport authorities.

Can you use stopway for takeoff?

The stopway is an area beyond the runway which can be used for deceleration in the event of a rejected takeoff.