What is Ruckus WatchDog support?

WatchDog Overview It provides customers with a strong foundation of support capabilities, including: 24×7 Technical Assistance, Access to software updates & major upgrades, more aggressive hardware replacement options and the ability to leverage the Ruckus Diagnostic Dashboard tool.

How do I contact Ruckus support?

1 650 265 0903 is the toll number for our support organization and is available from anywhere in the world. Phone charges will apply.

What is Ruckus associate partner support?

Associate Partner Support for Wireless Products This support program is designed for Ruckus Partners with qualified technical support personnel who can provide support for Ruckus products. The Associate Partner provides at least the Level 1 support to end users.

How do I activate Ruckus support?

Activate Support/Licenses for your Ruckus Wireless Product

  1. Log in to the Ruckus Wireless support site here.
  2. Have the serial numbers of your Ruckus Wireless product(s) ready.
  3. Open the Support Acknowledgement Agreement (SPA) email you received from Ruckus Wireless.
  4. Copy the activation code from that email.

Who owns Ruckus now?

Brocade Communications SystemsARRIS U.S. Holdings, Inc.
Ruckus Networks/Parent organizations

What happened Ruckus Wireless?

Ruckus Wireless and Brocade ICX line of Switching products were acquired by Arris International for $800 million in a deal finalized on December 1, 2017. The company was renamed as Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS company from Ruckus Wireless.

How do I know if my ruckus has warranty?

To determine which Hardware warranty applies to the Product(s) you purchased, and for additional information relating to your warranty, please refer to the warranty checker utility which can be found at Ruckus’ support website at: support.ruckuswireless.com.

How do I update my ruckus license?


  1. Download the license file(.lic) from Ruckus support portal. Unsure about the steps? –
  2. Login to the ZD GUI.
  3. Click on Administer -> License -> Choose File.
  4. Select the AP license file and click on Upgrade License.
  5. Now you see a pop-up window to confirm the license upload, click on OK.
  6. ?

Does Cisco own Ruckus?

Ruckus Networks (formerly known as Ruckus Wireless) is a brand of wired and wireless networking equipment and software owned by CommScope.

Is Ruckus Wi-Fi any good?

Ruckus Wireless is robust, extremely reliable, very easy to deploy, and offers amazing coverage and rock solid connectivity. It is very easy to add additional access points across the network. Ruckus Wireless is very easy to use and manage using an app on any mobile device.

What is limited lifetime warranty ruckus?

For ICX switches (excluding removable optics and LEDs), Ruckus provides a limited lifetime warranty beginning on the Start Date and continuing for as long as the original End User continues to own and use the Ruckus branded equipment, as set forth below.

How do I add AP license to my Ruckus controller?