What is Rman transportable tablespace?

You can use this method only if the on-premises platform is little endian, and the database character sets of your on-premises database and the Databaseservice database are compatible.

What is transportable tablespace in Oracle 11g?

A transportable tablespace set contains data files for a set of tablespaces and an export file containing structural metadata for the set of tablespaces. The export file is generated by Data Pump Export. One use of transportable tablespace sets is to create a tablespace repository.

How do you create a transportable tablespace?

Creating a Transportable Tablespace Set with RMAN: Procedure

  1. Using RMAN TRANSPORT TABLESPACE: Basic Scenario.
  3. RMAN TRANSPORT TABLESPACE: Specifying Locations for Data Pump Files.
  4. RMAN TRANSPORT TABLESPACE with Customized Initialization Parameters.

How do I move tablespace to another location?

Moving Normal Data Files To move the datafile associated with the USERS tablespace, first take the tablespace offline and move the file at the OS level. Next, use the alter tablespace command to rename the file in the database to reflect the new location. Finally, the tablespace is brought back online.

What is the use of transportable tablespace?

A transportable tablespace allows you to quickly move a subset of an Oracle database from one Oracle database to another. However, in the previous release of Oracle server, you can only move a tablespace across Oracle databases within the same platform.

How do I backup my tablespace?

Backing Up Online Tablespaces Serially

  1. Prepare a tablespace for online backup.
  2. Back up the datafiles in the tablespace.
  3. Take the tablespace out of backup mode.
  4. Repeat this procedure for each remaining tablespace.
  5. Archive the unarchived redo logs so that the redo required to recover the tablespace backups is archived.

How do I know if my tablespace is transportable?

For a tablespace to be transportable it must be totally self contained. This can be checked using the DBMS_TTS. TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK procedure. The TS_LIST parameter accepts a comma separated list of tablespace names and the INCL_CONSTRAINTS parameter indicates if constraints should be included in the check.

How do I move a database using transportable tablespace?

  1. Checking Character Set Compatibility.
  2. Transporting Tablespaces Between Databases.
  3. Task 1: Pick a Self-Contained Set of Tablespaces.
  4. Task 2: Generate a Transportable Tablespace Set.
  5. Task 3: Transport the Export Dump File.
  6. Task 4: Transport the Tablespace Set.
  7. Task 5: (Optional) Restore Tablespaces to Read/Write Mode.

What are the constraints of using transportable tablespaces?

Transportable tablespaces cannot transport tables with TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE (TSTZ) data across platforms with different time zone file versions. The transportable tablespace operation skips these tables. You can export and import these tables conventionally. See Oracle Database Utilities for more information.


The DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1 and DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_2 parameters set the default file system directories for redo log file and control file creation. Each redo log file and control file is multiplexed across the two directories.

What is Db_file_name_convert?

DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT is useful for creating a duplicate database for recovery purposes. It converts the filename of a new datafile on the primary database to a filename on the standby database. If you add a datafile to the primary database, you must add a corresponding file to the standby database.

Can we take RMAN backup in Mount state?

We can take RMAN consistent backup when Oracle database is in mount state. A consistent backup occurs when the database is normal shutdown with commands: SHUTDOWN NORMAL, SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE, or SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL.