What is reportable to Nyports?

For the purpose of NYPORTS reporting, an occurrence is an unintended adverse and undesirable development in an individual patient’s condition, such as a patient death or impairments of bodily functions in circumstances other than those related to the natural course of illness, disease or proper treatment, in accordance …

What does NYPORTS stand for?

The New York Patient Occurrence Reporting and Tracking System (NYPORTS) is a mandatory adverse event reporting system established pursuant to Public Health Law 2805-l and Title 10 New York Code, Rules and Regulations 405.8 and 751.10.

What is the most common type of incident reporting event?

medication incidents
The most common types were medication incidents (29%), falls (14%), operative incidents (15%) and miscellaneous incidents (16%); 59% seemed preventable and preventability was not clear for 32%. Among the potentially preventable incidents, 43% involved nurses, 16% physicians and 19% other types of providers.

What is the most common adverse event in healthcare facilities?

The most common and most consistently reported types of AE in the included studies were operative/surgical-related events, often resulting from procedural complications and injuries such as post-op bleeding or return to surgery.

What incidents should be reported in healthcare?

Incident reporting best practices in healthcare

  • A patient makes a complaint.
  • A medication error occurs.
  • A medical device malfunctions.
  • Anyone—patient, staff member, or visitor—is injured or involved in a situation with the potential for injury.

What are some examples of adverse events?

What is a Serious Adverse Event?

  • Death.
  • Life-threatening.
  • Hospitalization (initial or prolonged)
  • Disability or Permanent Damage.
  • Congenital Anomaly/Birth Defect.
  • Required Intervention to Prevent Permanent Impairment or Damage (Devices)
  • Other Serious (Important Medical Events)

What are reportable events in healthcare?

A serious reportable event (SRE) is an incident involving death or serious harm to a patient resulting from a lapse or error in a healthcare facility.