What is reenlistment code re-1A?

Fully qualified for enlistment. RE-1A: Individuals with over six years of paid military service. Fully qualified for enlistment but are ineligible to reenlist for 93 days after separation.

What does re 1 mean on a DD-214?

Fully qualified for enlistment
RE-1 – Individuals who were fully qualified when last separated. Fully qualified for enlistment. RE-1A – Individuals with over 6 years of service for pay. Fully qualified for enlistment.

Can you get a waiver for tattoos in the Marines?

Marines have the opportunity to receive waivers for cosmetic tattoos that cover up scars and other body disfigurements. A waiver is granted by a commanding officer and offered on a case-by-case basis.

Will USMC ever change tattoo policy?

Tattoo sleeves are back for Marines in 2022. Sleeve tattoos were first banned in 2007 after the 2006 Sergeants Major Symposium found Marines of the times to have “excessive” tattoos.

Can you get your reenlistment code changed?

To change your RE code, you may need to apply to the Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) or Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR). Your recruiter may be able to help you (or refer you to someone who can help).

Can you’re enlist with a other than honorable?

Other-Than-Honorable Conditions Discharge In most cases, veterans who receive an other-than-honorable discharge cannot re-enlist in the Armed Forces or reserves, except under very rare circumstances. Veterans benefits are not usually available to those discharged through this type of discharge.

How do I upgrade my re code?

How do I appeal a re code?

  1. 1 Locate the reenlistment code. Locate the reenlistment code in section 15 of your form DD 214.
  2. 2 Obtain a copy.
  3. 3 Complete form DD-293.
  4. 4 Choose whether you.
  5. 5 Choose whether you-2.
  6. 6 Indicate any additional documents.
  7. 7 Detail your appeal.
  8. 8 Sign and date the form.

Do you get a DD-214 when you reenlist?

The DD214 is not issued for re-enlistments or promotions. You may have received a certificate stating you have been discharged from active duty pending your re-enlistment or promotion, but this is usually a simple formality observed as a protocol as part of the promotion or re-enlistment process.