What is recorded detail?

What is Recorded Detail? Refers to the distinctness or sharpness of the structural lines that make up the recorded image; term used in film-screen imaging.

What is the definition of recorded detail quizlet?

Recorded Detail. -Describes the degree of geometric sharpness or accuracy of the structural lines recorded in the image. -Also referred to as “definition”, “sharpness”, or spatial resolution” -Geometric factors generally control the sharpness of image detail.

What happens when you increase mAs?

[14] Increasing mAs produces more electrons in an X-ray tube and subsequently increases the amount of radiation exposure. [11] High mAs will increase SNR but will decrease image contrast. X-ray imaging protocols are designed to optimize SNR while maintaining adequate contrast and limiting radiation dose.

What effect will using a higher grid ratio have on recorded detail?

Image Acqusition and Equipment Operation

How does grid ratio affect contrast/quality? Directly. As grid ratio increases, contrast increases. (Grids reduce scatter, allowing higher energy photons to reach the receptor)( Pg347)
How does grid ratio affect spatial resolution/recorded detail? it doesn’t.

What factors affect recorded detail?

Factors Controlling and Influencing Recorded Detail

  • A. Object-to-image receptor distance (OID) Distance from the anatomical part being imaged to the image receptor.
  • B. Source-to-image receptor distance (SID)
  • C. Focal-spot size (Figure 4-3)
  • D. Motion.

What is recorded detail and spatial resolution?

-Spatial resolution (quantifies recorded detail) -Detail. Assessing Recorded Detail. Unit of resolution – lp/mm. -Resolution tool with closely placed lines, alternating radiopaque and radiolucent, whose spacing is accurately known.

Which of the following affect recorded detail?


Term The radiographic image exhibits all the details of the anatomical part. Definition False
Term Which can obscure detail? Definition Motion
Term Factors affecting recorded detail include: Definition focal spot size
Term Resolution is improved when: Definition OID decreases

What are the 4 primary exposure factors?

The quantity and quality of the x-ray beam are controlled by four prime factors. These factors are under the direct control of the limited operator. The prime factors of exposure are milliamperage (mA), exposure time (S), kVp, and SID.

What is Bucky factor?

The Bucky factor is the ratio of radiation on the anti-scatter grid to the transmitted radiation. Hence, the Bucky factor reflects the increased radiation dose required from anti-scatter grid use, as any increase in mAs proportionally increases dose. The Bucky factor changes with: change in kVp.

Which of the following are factors that affect the recorded detail on an image?

The sharpness with which the details of the radiographic image are recorded will be influenced by:

  • Object to image distance.
  • Source to image distance.
  • Focal spot size.

How do Sid and OID affect recorded detail?

How do the SID and the OID affect recorded detail? When SID is increased, resolution is improved while OID is increased, resolution is decreased.