What is Q5 polymerase?
What is Q5 polymerase?
Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase is a high-fidelity, thermostable DNA polymerase with 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activity, fused to a processivity-enhancing Sso7d domain to support robust DNA amplification.
What is in Q5 GC enhancer?
Q5 DNA Polymerase is composed of a novel polymerase that is fused to the processivity-enhancing Sso7d DNA binding domain, improving speed, fidelity and reliability of performance.
How fast is Q5 polymerase?
Extension times are generally 20–30 seconds per kb for complex, genomic samples, but can be reduced to 10 seconds per kb for simple templates (plasmid, E. coli, etc.) or complex templates < 1 kb. Extension time can be increased to 40 seconds per kb for cDNA or long, complex templates, if necessary.
What do you understand with high-fidelity and thermostable DNA polymerase?
High-fidelity DNA polymerases have several safeguards to protect against both making and propagating mistakes while copying DNA. Such enzymes have a significant binding preference for the correct versus the incorrect nucleoside triphosphate during polymerization.
What is 3 ‘- 5 exonuclease activity?
The 3′–>5′ exonuclease activity intrinsic to several DNA polymerases plays a primary role in genetic stability; it acts as a first line of defense in correcting DNA polymerase errors. A mismatched basepair at the primer terminus is the preferred substrate for the exonuclease activity over a correct basepair.
What is high fidelity polymerase?
High Fidelity Polymerase is based on a blend of Taq DNA polymerase and a proofreading enzyme specially designed for highly accurate and efficient amplification. It shows excellent results with extremely long (up to 30 kb), GC-rich or other difficult templates.
How much DMSO do you add to PCR?
The recommended reaction condition for GC-rich templates include 3% DMSO as a PCR additive, which aids in the denaturing of templates with high GC contents. For further optimization DMSO should be varied in 2% increments. In some cases DMSO may also be required for supercoiled plasmids to relax for denaturation.