What is PuraPly skin substitute?

PuraPly AM is intended for the management of wounds and as an effective barrier to resist microbial colonization within the device and reduce microbes penetrating through the device.

What is Matriderm?

Matriderm (MedSkin Solution Dr. Suwelack AG, Billerbeck, Germany) is a highly porous membrane composed of three-dimensionally coupled collagen and elastin. The collagen of the matrix is obtained from the bovine dermis, and the elastin is obtained from the bovine nuchal ligament by hydrolysis.

What is Oasis graft made of?

OASIS Matrix and OASIS MICRO products are naturally derived from porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) and have a composition similar to the human dermis.

Is Endoform a skin substitute?

Typically seen in cellular and tissue-based products (CTPs or skin substitutes), Endoform® is changing the paradigm by making this technology available to all wound care providers. See our resources for videos to watch and a new booklet about the impact of Endoform® on CTP usage in several wound care clinics.

Is PuraPly a collagen?

PuraPly® Antimicrobial Wound Matrix consists of a collagen sheet coated with 0.1 % polyhexamethylenebiguanide hydrochloride (PHMB) intended for the management of wounds.

Is PuraPly FDA approved?

PuraPly® AM is a class II medical device, that has been 510(k) cleared by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (K051647) and is intended for the management of acute and chronic wound management across a variety of wound types, including partial- and full-thickness wounds, pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, trauma …

What is Oasis dressing?

OASIS Wound Matrix is an advanced wound management product that is specially designed for the management of wounds such as pressure, venous and diabetic ulcers as well as surgical and trauma wounds. These dressings are available in different sizes and should be ordered to fit the wound bed, with slight overlap.

What is Oasis wound Matrix made of?

OASIS® Wound Matrix is a natural extracellular matrix derived from a single layer of porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) technology. The technology provides an intact three-dimensional extracellular matrix which allows for host cell migration.

When do you use Endoform?

Endoform is indicated for the manage- ment of partial- and full-thickness wounds, pressure injuries, venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, chronic vascular ulcers, tunneled/undermined wounds, surgical wounds, traumatic wounds and draining wounds.

Does Endoform dissolve?

Endoform®’s unique ECM stays intact in the wound bed unless wound proteases are elevated. Reconstituted collagens do not have an intact, natural ECM. These products dissolve or gel within a day, regardless of wound protease levels and cannot indicate the balance of proteases.