What is punctum and Studium?

The book develops the twin concepts of studium and punctum: studium denoting the cultural, linguistic, and political interpretation of a photograph, punctum denoting the wounding, personally touching detail which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it.

Why is the punctum different from the Studium?

Studium describes elements of an image rather than the sum of the image’s information and meaning. The punctum of a photograph, however, contains a deeper dimension: the elements of punctum penetrate the studium—they have the ability to move the viewer in a deep and emotional way. Barthes …

What is Barthes Studium?

Barthes calls Studium ‘a kind of education (civility, politeness) that allows discovery of the operator’. Basically studium is the element that creates interest in a photographic image.

What is the punctum for Barthes?

But what was unique to the photograph, according to Barthes, was its punctum, which he defined as the sensory, intensely subjective effect of a photograph on the viewer: ‘The punctum of a photograph is that accident which pricks me (but also bruises me, is poignant to me).

What is the punctum according to Barthes?

What does Barthes mean by Studium?

Studium refers to an “enthusiastic commitment,” Barthes writes in Camera Lucida. This is the initial attraction towards a photograph. It’s what makes you stop and engage your eyes with what you’re actually seeing. It’s what makes your eyes stick to the photograph, in opposed to ‘glancing’ at something pointlessly.

What is a punctum Barthes?

What’s a punctum?

(ˈpʌŋktəm ) nounWord forms: plural -tums or -ta (-tə ) anatomy. a tip or small point.

What is punctum literature?

A term used by Barthes to refer to an incidental but personally poignant detail in a photograph which ‘pierces’ or ‘pricks’ a particular viewer, constituting a private meaning unrelated to any cultural code. From: punctum in A Dictionary of Media and Communication »

Where is punctum?

The lacrimal punctum (plural puncta) or lacrimal point, is a minute opening on the summits of the lacrimal papillae, seen on the margins of the eyelids at the lateral extremity of the lacrimal lake. There are two lacrimal puncta in the medial (inside) portion of each eyelid.

What is lacrimal punctum?

The lacrimal puncta are the gateway to the lacrimal drainage system; they open into the tubular canaliculi (See Figure 1B), which drain into the lacrimal sac at the valve of Rosenmuller (See Figure 1C).

What is a punctum in biology?

The puncta is generally defined as a defined circular area above and around the nucleus of all transfected cells.