What is PSV badge India?

The public service vehicle (PSV) badge has been mandatory for all drivers of public transport vehicles , which include DTC and cluster buses, autorickshaws, Grameen Sewa and chartered buses for years now.

How can I get badge license in Karnataka?

Online Procedure:

  1. Step 1: Visit the official transport website of Karnataka government.
  2. Step 2: Download the form and print it.
  3. Step 3: Submit the filled form along with the required documents at the RTO office.
  4. On successful verification of the documents, a driving license will be issued.

What does PSV stand for in driving?

public service vehicle
You need a public service vehicle ( PSV ) operator’s licence to: operate a vehicle for hire or reward (payment or payment in kind) that can carry 9 or more passengers.

What is badge no?

A commercial vehicle’s driver is required to display a ‘badge’ issued by the Commissioner along with the name of the authority which has granted an authorisation to drive a public service vehicle, with an identification number.

How do I get PSV badge?

Visit the National Transport and Safety Authority Website NTSA and under the Quick links section click on th PSV licence applications. Create account with NTS by filling in your names and ID number. Wait for the site to register your details and proceeded input more required information so as to complete registration.

How do I check my PSV badge?

How to verify documents using NTSA sms code 22846

  1. For Motor Vehicle Inspection Details. Send a message of the Registration Number of the Motor Vehicle to 22846 in the following format :
  2. For Driving License Status.
  3. For PSV SACCO/Company License.
  4. For Road Service License Details.
  5. For PSV Driver/Conductor License.

How do I get a PSV badge?

Visit the National Transport and Safety Authority Website NTSA and under the Quick links section click on th PSV licence applications….Apply On-line :

  1. link to Sacco/ Institution/ Employer.
  2. Update licence photo.
  3. Physical address.
  4. P.O.Box address.
  5. Attach good conduct.
  6. Drivers licence number.
  7. Licence collection point.

How do I get a PSV license?

Step 1: PSV Licence

  1. Step (2) Attend PSV training and take the PSV exam. You can attend PSV training and take the PSV exam at either a Grab Driver Centre or other driving institutes:
  2. Step (3) Register for PSV licence at JPJ.
  3. Step (4) Submit your PSV Licence for reimbursement.

How can I get a PSV licence?

How much does a PSV badge cost?

A Prescribed fee of KSH 625 is paid by the applicant to obtain PSV licence, the payment is made to the Road Transport Department in Times Towers in Nairobi.

How long does PSV badge take?

You can now get your motor vehicle transfer processed within five working days.

How do I register my PSV license?