What is PS form 5630?

PS Form 5630 is designed to provide customers with better tracking and visibility for package shipments. When customers go online to create a prepaid shipping label for their packages, they will have the option to create a PS Form 5630. This form links all the packages in the shipment to one barcode.

Can you print a scan form on Paypal?

When you click “Print” to print your Postage Lables, you should actually see 3 options, 1) Print a Sample label 2) Print Scan Form 3) Print Label. So normally you would print the postage labels first, verify that everything came out okay, then print your scan form.

What does shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice do?

What do you need to do? Recognize PS Form 5630, Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice – also called the SCAN form. Use the MDCD handheld scanner to scan the barcode on PS Form 5630 as “Accepted.” Give PS Form 5630 back to the customer or place it in the customer’s mailbox after completing the scan.

Can I manually create a USPS scan form?

Click on SHIPPING then on SHIPMENT HISTORY. Click the USPS Scan Form link at the top of the page. You will be directed to the USPS Scan Form page. Click the blue Create SCAN Form button.

How do I reprint a label on Paypal?

Click on the “Reprint Label” link on the Transaction Details page to open a window containing the original label.

How do I reprint a USPS label?

To reprint a shipping label you’ve just printed:

  1. On the Carrier screen you will see the message “Label Completed” .
  2. Click the Reprint This Label link next to the “Label Completed” message.
  3. You’ll see a Reprint Label dialog box with some conditions. If you agree to them, check the check box.
  4. Click the Reprint button.

What is a shipping confirmation email?

What are shipping confirmation emails? A shipping confirmation email is an email sent to a customer after they’ve made a purchase. It explains when their product has been shipped. And according to recent studies, these types of emails are far more likely to be opened compared to other types of emails.

How do I print a scan form?

Step by Step

  1. After processing all of your orders for the day, select the History tab.
  2. b> Click Create a SCAN Form.
  3. Use the drop down menu to select which packages to include in your SCAN Form.
  4. Click Print SCAN Form.
  5. Present your mail carrier with your packages and the SCAN Form.

How do I reprint a PayPal 2021 label?

How to Reprint Shipping on PayPal

  1. Log in to the Paypal account from which the original shipping label was created using your computer.
  2. Click on the “History” link located under the My Accounts tab to open your transaction history.
  3. Click on the “Details” link beside the payment for which the shipping label was created.

Can I reprint a shipping label?

Note: You can reprint a shipping label once, after printing it the first time, or from the shipping label’s record on the History screen. You have up to 24 hours from the initial printing to reprint. To reprint a shipping label you’ve just printed: On the Carrier screen you will see the message “Label Completed” .