What is programme planning in group work?

programme planning process. The programme planning process includes (i) setting. goals (ii) brainstorming with members (iii) planning the programme in line with. the goals (iv) obtaining the approval of the group (v) assigning individual and. sub group responsibilities (vi) implementation of the programme (vi) periodic.

What are the processes involved in group work in social work?

This has two aspects: first, guidance in the adjustive efforts of the group in its acceptance of each individual member, and the acceptance by each individual member of the group; second, guidance in the unifying of objectives of individual growth and social results.

What is the basis for program development in social group work?

As the program must be designed and depend on the basis of what the member is capable of, and it will vary according to their age, ability, motivation, and self-control. Resources Factor -All the program activities need resources. It may be in the form of money and materials.

What are the main components of programme planning in group work?

Organisation for Planning.

  • I. Planning Process.
  • II. Planned Programme.
  • III. Plan of work.
  • IV. Execution of plan of work.
  • V. Evaluation of accomplishments.
  • Organisation for Planning.
  • What is programme media?

    Programme media includes all activities like games, singing, craft activities, storytelling, street plays, other theatre activities etc. These are purposefully organized by the workers in the group to generate interaction among members and to accomplish the set objectives.

    What are the steps of program planning?

    Steps in Program Planning

    • Analyze The Situation.
    • Identify Your Organization’s Needs, Problems, Purpose and Goals.
    • State Program Objectives and Solutions.
    • Take Stock of Your Resources and Select Methods.
    • Plan the Details.
    • Do It!
    • Evaluate.

    What are the 5 steps of program planning?

    Terms in this set (5)

    • Determine your personal needs.
    • Consider your program options.
    • Set goals.
    • Structure your program and write it down.
    • Keep a log and evaluate your program.

    What are the principles of Programme planning?

    Principles related to Planning Process:

    • Program planning has a definite plan of work.
    • Programplanning is an educational process.
    • Program planning is a continuous process.
    • Program planning is a coordinating process.
    • Program planning involves local people and their institutions.

    What is the purpose of group activities?

    Properly structured, group projects can reinforce skills that are relevant to both group and individual work, including the ability to: Break complex tasks into parts and steps. Plan and manage time. Refine understanding through discussion and explanation.

    What are 5 steps in program planning?

    Terms in this set (5)

    1. Determine your personal needs.
    2. Consider your program options.
    3. Set goals.
    4. Structure your program and write it down.
    5. Keep a log and evaluate your program.

    What are the 3 main stages of program planning?

    Program Design Phases

    • Strategy Development.
    • Planning.
    • Implementation.
    • Evaluation.

    What is group process in social group work?

    Group process in social group work 1 Introduction.. 2 Group Process.. 3 Interaction.. 4 Cohesiveness.. 5 Leadership.. 6 Decision making.. 7 Norming of the group.. 8 Social Control.. According to Toseland and Rivas (2001), the result from the interaction of the group members are often… More

    How can social workers improve their group work?

    Providing services based on the hope or a hunch that they are working is not best serving group members’ needs. To improve one’s practice and service to others, social workers must seek evaluation of their group work and use that evaluation to actively improve their work.

    Who submitted the group work process?

    Group Work Process Submitted to: Mr. Renjith R, School of Social Work, Marian College, Kuttikkanam. Submitted by: Bimal Antony, 1st MSW, School of Social Work, Marian College, Kuttikkanam.

    What is group work?

    Group work can be defined as “goal-directed activity with small treatment and task groups aimed at meeting socioemotional needs and accomplishing tasks” (see Textbooks, Toseland and Rivas 2009, p. 12).