What is Poplar Ward Kgh?
What is Poplar Ward Kgh?
Patients from Maple Ward have been transferred to Poplar Ward – a medical ward based in Rockingham Wing with medical patients moving on to other Trust wards as appropriate. This will enable Skylark Ward to take appropriate Covid-19 patients from the Trust’s other medical wards this week.
Where is Maple Ward Kgh?
Maple Ward is/are located on the first floor of the Rockingham Wing. Access to Maple Ward is via the Rockingham Wing entrance. Enter via the Rockingham Wing entrance and continue ahead. Turn left, go to the end of the corridor and turn right.
Where is Cranford Ward Kettering General Hospital?
Cranford ward is a 29 bedded general medical ward situated on the 4th floor of the main ward block. It has one side room.
What is Twywell Ward Kettering General Hospital?
Twywell Ward (Female care of the elderly)
Where is Lamport ward at Kettering General Hospital?
Getting To (Lamport Ward) Lamport Ward is/are located on the first floor of Area A. Access to Lamport Ward is via the Area A entrance. Enter via the Area A entrance, turn right and take the lift located straight ahead to the first floor.
What is Naseby Ward?
Naseby is a specialist comprehensive dialectical behaviour (DBT) unit, specifically for the treatment of women over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD), complex mental health needs and challenging behaviour.
What does Kettering Hospital Specialise in?
We are an acute trust. We provide acute care in a hospital setting, including inpatient and outpatient treatment, accident and emergency (A&E) facilities and specialist services. The Trust is commissioned to provide a wide range of services to the local population.
How many beds does Kettering General Hospital have?
600Kettering General Hospital / Number of beds
What does Kettering hospital Specialise in?
How many beds does Kettering General hospital have?
Who runs Kettering General hospital?
Chairman: Alan Burns Alan is also the Chairman of Northampton General Hospital and has previously been Chairman of Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow and also of Hinchingbrooke Hospital. Before that, he has spent 24 years as a Chief Executive of a number of Strategic Health Authorities.
When was Kettering General hospital built?
1897Kettering General Hospital / Founded