What is PoC on charging?
What is PoC on charging?
What is the PoC Charging method? It is the methodology of computation and sharing of ISTS Charges and Losses among Designated ISTS Customers (DICs) which depends on location and sensitive to distance and direction of the node in the grid.
What is PoC Mechanism?
Under the PoC mechanism, the CTU is the designated agency and acts as the revenue aggregator. It is entrusted with the responsibility of billing and collection of the transmission charges from the designated inter-state customers (DICs) and disbursement of the same to the ISTS licensees.
How are transmission charges calculated in India?
Unscheduled interchange charges for transmission has been introduced for the first time in India through this mechanism. Deviations upto 20% are charged at the same rate and beyond 20% are charged at a penal rate of 1.25 times the original PoC rate.
How are wheeling charges calculated?
In basic terms, the overall leased cost of a transmission line is known as wheeling charges. It is calculated on a per-MWH basis. This gives you an idea about what is wheeling charges. The total power wheeled in P(MW) multiplied by the wheeling costs in Rs/MW equals the wheeling fees.
What is the purpose of transmission charge?
Transmission Charge refers to the regulated cost or charges for the use of a transmission system, which may include the availment of Ancillary Service.
What is Inter State Generating?
An Inter State Generating Station (ISGS) is a renewable project connected to the central transmission unit that may supply electricity to multiple states or distribution companies. The dashboard aggregates RE generation as well as installed capacity of ISGS projects and state projects for every state and region.
What is sanction load?
Sanctioned load means the load in KW/ KVA which the Licensee has agreed to supply from time to time subject to the governing terms and conditions.
What is CTU and Stu?
5.3 The Central Transmission Utility (CTU) and State Transmission Utility (STU) have the key responsibility of network planning and development based on the National Electricity Plan in coordination with all concerned agencies as provided in the Act.
What is the difference between wheeling charges and transmission charges?
The TRR is paid through transmission access charges (TACs), load-weighted fees charged to internal load and energy exports for use of the transmission facilities. The energy export fee is often referred to as a wheeling charge. When wheeling-through, the transmission access charge only applies to the exported amount.
What are wheeling rates?
Wheeling charge: An amount charged by one electrical system to transmit the energy of, and for, another system or systems.
What is epira law?
The Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) mandates the Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) to promote competition, encourage market development, ensure consumer choice, and penalize abuse of market power in the restructured electricity industry.
What is Stu electricity?
As per Section 39 of the Electricity Act 2003, The State Government may notify the Board or a Government company as the State Transmission Utility.