What is plica semilunaris?

Medical Definition of plica semilunaris : the vertical fold of conjunctiva that occupies the canthus of the eye nearer the nose and is homologous to the nictitating membrane of lower animals.

What causes swollen plica semilunaris?

Viral conjunctivitis – common, so-called conjunctivitis epidemica, usually begins unilaterally, strongly reddish swollen caruncula and plica semilunaris with watery secretion; can be complicated – corneal damage, ev.

What is Caruncle and plica semilunaris?

Located at the inner canthus is the plica semilunaris (the rudimentary third eyelid or palpebra tertius of some animals), and the lacrimal caruncle (a small flesh-like epidermoid structure, Fig.

What is the plica triangularis?

Anteroinferiorly the plica triangularis, an inconstant mucosal fold, arises from the PGa and covers the anteroinferior part of the tonsil. It encloses a smaller fossa that is known as anterior tonsillar fossa, which is then obscured by its walls and forms the imbedded portion of the tonsil [6, 7].

Where is the plica semilunaris?

medial canthus
The plica semilunaris is a small fold of bulbar conjunctiva on the medial canthus of the eye.

What is the meaning of plica?

Definition of plica : a fold or folded part especially : a groove or fold of skin.

Where is the plica Semilunaris?

What is plica syndrome of the knee?

What is plica syndrome? A plica is a fold in the membrane that protects your knee joint. Most people have four folds in each knee. Sometimes the plica located in the middle of your knee becomes irritated. This is called plica syndrome and it’s characterized by pain, swelling and instability.

Where is the plica Semilunaris located?

The plica semilunaris is a small fold of bulbar conjunctiva on the medial canthus of the eye. It is loose, so that eye movements are not restricted.

What is a plica knee?

A plica is a fold in the membrane that protects your knee joint. Most people have four folds in each knee. Sometimes the plica located in the middle of your knee becomes irritated. This is called plica syndrome and it’s characterized by pain, swelling and instability.

What is synovial plica syndrome?

Synovial plica syndrome (SPS) occurs in the knee, when an otherwise normal structure becomes a source of pain due to injury or overuse. Patients may present to general practitioners, physiotherapists, or surgeons with anterior knee pain with or without mechanical symptoms, and the diagnosis can sometimes be difficult.