What is placental Sonolucency?

Placental sonolucencies were defined as intraplacental anechoic or heterogeneous areas 0.7 cm or greater. Obstetric and neonatal outcomes were collected by chart review. Results: Placental sonolucencies 0.7 cm or greater were seen in 45 (22.4%) of first-trimester ultrasound examinations.

What is a Sonolucent mass?

Medical Definition of sonolucent : allowing passage of ultrasonic waves without production of echoes that are due to reflection of some of the waves a sonolucent mass.

What is small Subchorionic Haematoma in pregnancy?

A subchorionic hematoma or hemorrhage is bleeding under one of the membranes (chorion) that surrounds the embryo inside the uterus. It is a common cause of bleeding in early pregnancy. The main symptom is vaginal bleeding. But some women don’t have symptoms.

Does placenta position indicate gender?

The study concluded that while the location of the placenta had “significant relation with fetal gender,” more research is needed. So having an anterior placenta doesn’t indicate with certainty that you’re having a girl.

Is Sonolucent the same as anechoic?

In ultrasonography, containing few or no echoes; a misnomer for transonic or anechoic.

What is Sonolucent cyst?

Unilocular, thin-walled sonolucent cysts with regular borders are usually benign, regardless of menopausal status or cyst size. Ultrasound findings that raise concern for ovarian cancer include a solid component, excrescences, ascites, increased vascularity, size greater than ten centimeters, or mural nodules.

Can subchorionic hemorrhage harm baby?

Conclusion. Ultrasonographically detected subchorionic hematoma increases the risk of miscarriage in patients with vaginal bleeding and threatened abortion during the first 20 weeks of gestation. However, it does not affect the pregnancy outcome measures of ongoing pregnancies.