What is pile foundation and types of piles?
What is pile foundation and types of piles?
A Pile Foundation is one type of slender structural member made of steel, concrete, wood, or composite material. A Piles may be cast-in-situ excavating a hole and filling it with concrete or precast concrete member which is driven into the soil. There are different Types of Pile Foundation used in construction.
How many types of pile foundation are there?
There are three types of pile foundations according to their construction methods which are driven piles, cast-in-situ piles, and driven and cast-in-situ piles.
What is meant by pile foundation?
Pile foundations are deep foundations. They are formed by long, slender, columnar elements typically made from steel or reinforced concrete, or sometimes timber. A foundation is described as ‘piled’ when its depth is more than three times its breadth (ref. Atkinson, 2007).
What is sand pile foundation?
Sand piling is a ground improvement technique which allows the use of shallow foundations, even the case of high rising buildings. Test for soil, and sand properties determinations, the standard penetration test (SPT), were made. The comparison between the tests allows the quantifying soil improvement by sand piling.
What are the types of piles based on the function?
Types of pile foundation based on function or use: End bearing pile. Friction pile. Compaction pile. Tension pile.
What are the types of deep foundation?
6 Types of Deep Foundations used in Construction and Their Uses
- Basement foundation.
- Buoyancy Rafts (Hollow Box Foundations)
- Caissons Foundations.
- Cylinders.
- Drilled Shaft foundations.
- Pile foundations.
What are the 2 types of foundation?
In general, all foundations are divided into two categories, – shallow and deep foundations. The terms Shallow and Deep Foundation refer to the depth of the soil at which it is placed.
What is composite pile?
Composite piles refer to alternative pile foundations which make use of FRPs, recycled plastics, and other materials to replace and/or protect steel or concrete, with the intent to produce piles that have lower maintenance costs and longer service lives than conventional piles, especially when used in marine …
What is friction pile?
Foundations provide support for structures, transferring their load to layers of soil or rock that have sufficient bearing capacity and suitable settlement characteristics to support them. Very broadly, foundations can be categorised as shallow foundations or deep foundations.