What is pheresis of platelets?

Platelet reduction apheresis, also known as therapeutic thrombocytapheresis or plateletpheresis, is a nonsurgical therapy that reduces the quantity of platelets in a patient’s blood. Platelets (thrombocytes) are a component of the blood that are important for blood clotting.

How is platelet pheresis done?

Plateletpheresis is the standard procedure by which platelets are separated from whole blood, concentrated, and collected. To remove platelets, a needle is placed in each arm. Blood flows through a needle into a machine that contains a sterile, disposable plastic kit specifically designed for this purpose.

What does it mean when your platelets automated count is high?

A high platelet count can occur when something causes the bone marrow to make too many platelets. When the reason is unknown, it is called primary or essential thrombocytosis. When excess platelets are due to an infection or other condition, it is called secondary thrombocytosis.

What is Plateletes?

Platelets are pieces of very large cells in the bone marrow called megakaryocytes. They help form blood clots to slow or stop bleeding and to help wounds heal. Having too many or too few platelets or having platelets that don’t work as they should can cause problems.

When should platelets be Repleted?

1. Platelet transfusion is indicated for patients with clinically significant bleeding in whom thrombocytopenia is thought to be a major contributory factor, even if the platelet count is >10×109/L. 2. In patients with critical bleeding requiring massive blood transfusion.

What kind of infection causes high platelets?

Any inflammatory process such as bacterial infection, neoplasia, sepsis, multiple trauma, burns, or pancreatitis that elevates serum IL levels (especially IL-6), may increase the circulating platelet count (2,3).

How much does 1 unit of platelets increase platelet count?

Platelets (Apheresis) 1 unit will increase platelet count ~ 24,000-35,000/μl (average size adult **). Provide platelet count when ordering, if available. Units usually issued within 2 hours of order receipt (routine) or to arrive by the specified date/time.

Do you give platelets for TTP?

Platelet transfusions are frequently administered to hospitalized patients with platelet consumptive/destructive disorders such as TTP, HIT, and ITP. Platelet transfusions are associated with higher odds of arterial thrombosis and mortality among TTP and HIT patients.