What is PFBC boiler?

(Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion System) The PFBC system combines a fluidized-bed combustion boiler with a gas turbine. The gas turbine supplies the combustion air at high pressure to the combustor, and the gas after being cleaned in cyclones drive the gas turbine.

What is a PFBC explain its operation?

The PFBC burns the char to produce steam and to heat combustion air for the gas turbine. The fuel gas from the carbonizer burns in a topping combustor linked to a gas turbine, heating the gases to the combustion turbine’s rated firing temperature.

What is Afbc and CFBC boiler?

In brief, AFBC means Atmospheric Classic Fluidized Bed Combustion (AFBC); CFBC means Atmospheric Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC). Here let’s know their differences from these aspects: velocity, heat transfer surface, requirement on size of coal, combustion air supply, and so on.

How does the feed water circulate in the boiler?

The feed water is put into the steam drum from a feed pump. In the steam drum the feed water is then turned into steam from the heat. After the steam is used it is then dumped to the main condenser. From the condenser it is then pumped to the deaerated feed tank.

What is the combustion efficiency of PFBC boiler?

PFBC technology development objectives: (1) Increase efficiency through combined power generation utilizing pressurized fluidized-bed combustion with a gross efficiency of 43%.

What is the purpose of superheater in a boiler?

Superheaters and reheaters are specially designed to increase the temperature of the saturated steam and to help control the steam outlet temperature. They are simple single-phase heat exchangers with steam flowing inside and the flue gas passing outside, generally in the cross flow.

What is FBC in boiler?

Fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) uses a mixture of particles suspended in an upward flowing airstream, which combine to exhibit fluid-like properties. Combustion takes place in the bed with very intense mixing of gases and solids, high heat transfer to the furnace, and a low combustion temperature.

Why it is called Afbc boiler?

The bubbling type AFBC boiler offers efficient, cost-effective, reliable and viable alternative to conventional solid fuel-fired boilers for industrial applications.

What does CFBC stand for?


Acronym Definition
CFBC Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion
CFBC Childfree by Choice
CFBC Champion Forest Baptist Church (Houston, TX)
CFBC Cross Florida Barge Canal

What is the pH value of boiler water?

The pH should be maintained between a minimum of 10.5 and a maximum of 11.0 to prevent acidic corrosion of boiler tubes and plates, and to provide for the precipitation of scale forming salts before scale is deposited. Below a pH of 5.0 the water is acidic enough to dissolve the steel boiler plates.

What type of water is used in boiler?

The boiler receives the feed water, which consists of varying proportion of recovered condensed water (return water) and fresh water, which has been purified in varying degrees (make up water). The make-up water is usually natural water either in its raw state, or treated by some process before use.

Why fluidized-bed combustion is used?

In fluidized bed combustion, rapid mixing ensures uniformity of temperature. The main advantage of fluidized bed combustion system is that municipal waste, sewage plant sludge, biomass, agricultural waste and other high moisture fuels can be used for heat generation.