What is participatory community media?

Participatory community media represents a unique form of short documentary practice produced with communities and the subjects engaged in decision-making and representation. These works embrace and enhance the micro rather than the macro as a production strategy.

What is the role of ethnic media?

Ethnic media provide information that is attuned to the particular needs of their audience. This is a service that mainstream media are largely unable to provide, with their focus on a broad audience. But without it, migrants potentially miss out on important information.

How does participatory culture disrupt media?

Participatory culture is emerging as the culture absorbs and responds to the explosion of new media technologies that make it possible for average consumers to archive, annotate, appropriate, and recirculate media content in powerful new ways.

Is social media participatory culture?

For Jenkins, social media are also an expression of participatory culture. Jenkins defines participatory culture as culture “in which fans and other consumers are invited to actively participate in the creation and circulation of new content” (Jenkins 2008, 331).

What is the role of community media?

Community media contributes to peoples’ empowerment to improve their social and economic conditions, fight against discrimination and racism, become more effectively involved in the democratic development of their community and country and provide an alternative to mainstream commercial content. 2.

What constitutes ethnic media?

We have defined ethnic media broadly to include media produced by and for (a) immigrant, (b) ethnic, racial, and linguistic minorities, as well as (c) indigenous groups living in various countries across the world.

What is ethnic minority media?

Ethnic Minority Media explores these issues by providing a broad sampling of case studies that span a variety of ethnic minorities and countries. Each case study presents the different cultural, political, and economic conditions that figure prominently in the media’s role in ethnic survival or demise.