What is Oxonia used for?
What is Oxonia used for?
Oxonia Active acid sanitizer is recommended for use on pre-cleaned surfaces such as equipment, pipelines, tanks, vats, fillers, evaporators, pasteurizers and aseptic equipment in dairies, dairy farms, breweries, wineries, beverage and food processing plants.
What is P3 Oxonia?
P3-oxonia active is applied in the food industry for a fast sanitizing of surfaces which are in contact with foods. The contact time of the P3-oxonia active solution is dependent on concentration, temperature and specific field of application.
Is Oxonia an acid?
Oxonia Active® is a EPA-registered, peroxyacetic acid, antimicrobial agent with broad antimicrobial activity for use in a number of sanitizing applications in the dairy, beverage and food processing industries, as well as for sterilization of aseptic processing and packaging equipment.
What is peracetic acid sanitizer?
Description: Peroxyacetic acid (Peracetic Acid, PAA; CH3CO3H) is a sanitizing agent widely used in the food and brewing industries and increasingly in the wine industry for its ability to efficiently kill microbes and sanitize surfaces “on contact” (Orth 1998).
What is synergex?
Synergex™ Sanitizer and Disinfectant is an EPA-registered* mixed peracetic acid (PAA) based sanitizer and disinfectant that helps food and beverage manufacturers enhance food safety, quality assurance, worker safety and air quality.
How do I use Oxonia active?
Apply Oxonia Active as a 0.1 – 0.2% (1 to 2.1 fluid ounces per 8 gallons of water) use solution at 75°F for a minimum contact time of 5 minutes. After treatment with Oxonia Active use solution, rinse membranes thoroughly with a disinfected water rinse free of pathogenic bacteria1.
Is peracetic acid harmful?
* Peroxyacetic Acid is a HIGHLY CORROSIVE CHEMICAL and contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes leading to eye damage. * Breathing Peroxyacetic Acid can irritate the nose and throat. * Breathing Peroxyacetic Acid can irritate the lungs causing coughing and/or shortness of breath.