What is ovarian edema?

ABSTRACT. Massive ovarian edema (MOE) is a very rare disease characterized by a tumor-like enlargement of the ovary. The ultrasound findings have been reported as a solid tumor-like mass or as a solid mass containing a cystic component.

What causes ovarian edema?

Ovarian edema This rare condition occurs when fluid builds up in the ovarian tissue. Most of the time, ovarian edema occurs in only one ovary. Ovarian edema may occur due to partial ovarian torsion, which blocks the blood flow and prevents lymph fluid from draining. As a result, fluid builds up, and the ovary enlarges.

How do you treat an enlarged ovary?

Options include:

  1. Surgery. During surgery, your doctor will remove as much of the tumor as possible.
  2. Chemotherapy. This treatment uses drugs to kill cancer cells all over your body.
  3. Hormone therapy. This treatment blocks or lowers levels of hormones that ovarian cancer needs to grow.
  4. Targeted therapy.

What causes ovarian torsion?

Causes of ovarian torsion The extra weight or mass on the ovary can cause it to start to twist and rotate around its supporting ligaments. Another common cause is an ovarian ligament, connecting the ovary to the uterus, that is longer than usual. A longer ovarian ligament makes ovarian torsion more likely.

What is normal size of ovary in MM?

During adulthood, through a 3d ultrasound scan (long, wide and depth) ovaries reach an average size of 40 x 30 x 20 mm, equivalent to a volume of between 4 and 6 ml. Physiological shape may change in every ovarian cycle due to the dominant follicle growth.

What is an enlarged ovary on ultrasound?

An enlarged ovary is an ovary that has expanded past its normal size. The cause of this enlargement is often cyst formation. Other causes include endometriosis, benign tumors and, rarely, ovarian cancer. Many types of cysts can grow within the ovary, such as those called functional cysts that form during menstruation.

Is ovarian torsion life threatening?

When the ovary twists itself or on the fallopian tube, this is known as ovarian torsion or adnexal torsion. It’s serious, but typically not life-threatening, a medical emergency that requires swift diagnosis and treatment.

Is a 4 cm ovarian cyst big?

The size of a cyst directly corresponds to the rate at which they shrink. Most functional cysts are 2 inches in diameter or less and do not require surgery for removal. However, cysts that are larger than 4 centimeters in diameter will usually require surgery.

What are the symptoms of an enlarged ovary?

Typically speaking, if your ovaries are enlarged or swollen, you might notice some of the following: Soreness or pain in the lower abdomen. A low-grade fever. Unintentional changes in body weight, such as rapid gain or loss.

What is considered a large ovarian cyst?

Large cysts (>5 to 10 cm) are more likely to require surgical removal compared with smaller cysts. However, a large size does not predict whether a cyst is cancerous. If the cyst appears suspicious for cancer.

What happens if ovarian torsion goes untreated?

Ovarian torsion is a gynecological emergency that occurs when there is twisting or torsion of the ovary around its ligamentous supports. If left untreated, it results in loss of blood supply to the ovary and the fallopian tube with resultant infarction and loss of function.