What is OSU Danser?

danser-go is a CLI visualisation tool for osu! standard maps. As danser is in development phase, some things may break. If that happens please fill an issue with as much detail as possible. WARNING: Because of MacOS’ poor OpenGL support, danser-go won’t run on that platform.

How do you set up a Danser?

How to setup danser!

  1. Download the latest executable: Download the latest danser version HERE:
  2. Extract the zip file:
  3. Open a command line application:
  4. Run danser for the first time:
  5. Running your maps!

Is Danser a bot OSU?

A cursor dancing bot that can, fully autonomous, play the Rhythm game called Osu! (standard mode)….Timer Pointer.

Name Hex Value
Offset4 514

How do you conjugate Danser?

The verb ‘danser,’ means ‘to dance’ in English….Lesson Summary.

VERB: Danser (dahn say)
Subject Pronoun Danser Conjugation
je je danse
tu tu danses
il/elle/on il/elle/on danse

How do you do the cursor dance?

Usage Instructions

  1. Unzip anywhere you like.
  2. Execute (Osu! Bot V2.exe).
  3. Select osu! ‘songs’ folder (default location like: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\local\osu!\ songs). (This step only needed on first startup or after deletion of Osu! Bot ‘Data’ Folder.)
  4. Play any map.
  5. Customize Dance if you like.
  6. Play next map.

How do I record osu on my laptop?

By default, this will be Ctrl + F12. The recording indicator will appear in the overlay. You are now recording!

What is an osu replay bot?

Thanks to the amazing work of u/uyitroa, I have given u/osu-bot the ability to record replays on score posts (example). Simply comment /u/osu-bot record on a score post to have the replay in question recorded and uploaded to Streamable.

Is Danser a word?

The verb ‘danser,’ means ‘to dance’ in English.
