What is Orthodox music?
What is Orthodox music?
In most Orthodox Churches, there is often both chanting and a traditional choir. The chanting has its roots in the early days of the church, and from there the musical tradition has evolved. Byzantine Chant, however, is the most traditional and ancient form of music that the church has.
Where did Byzantine chant originate?
Although Byzantine music is linked with the spread of Christianity in Greek-speaking areas of the Eastern Roman Empire, it probably derives mostly from Hebrew and early Syrian Christian liturgies (see Syrian chant). Various types of hymns were prominent, among them those called troparion, kontakion, and kanōn (qq.
What language are Byzantine chants in?
Byzantine music (Greek: Βυζαντινή μουσική) is the music of the Byzantine Empire. Originally it consisted of songs and hymns composed to Greek texts used for courtly ceremonials, during festivals, or as paraliturgical and liturgical music.
What is the meaning of kontakion?
Definition of kontakion 1 : a poetic sermon with numerous stanzas that was in common use in the Byzantine rite between the 6th and 8th centuries a.d. 2 : a usually short hymn in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Why do Orthodox sing the Bible?
This is done because the Orthodox view the priestly office as the one through which Christ lives with his people and thus the blessing is the essential bestowing of Christ’s love and grace through His priest to the Orthodox person being blessed.
What is Byzantine Divine Liturgy?
Byzantine rite, the system of liturgical practices and discipline observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church and by the majority of Eastern rite churches, which are in communion with Rome. Byzantine rite. Related Topics: kanōn. See all related content →
Which of the religious songs chanted in ancient Greece?
Popular song types Paeans were most commonly sung in honor or worship of Apollo as well as Athena. They usually solemnly expressed the hope for deliverance from a peril, or were sung in thanksgiving after a victory or escape.
How do Orthodox sing?
In the Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic churches, the tips of the first three fingers (the thumb, index, and middle ones) are brought together, and the last two (the “ring” and little fingers) are pressed against the palm.
Why do Orthodox churches chant?
That is the essential reason for chanting. Worship at its heart is a song and is beautiful; therefore the words of Orthodox worship cannot be simply said but must be melodiously chanted to express the true nature and purpose of the words.
What is a troparion and kontakion?
Troparia vary in length from one or two verses to long poems. After the introduction of the kontakion, a type of sung religious poetry, into Byzantium in the 6th century, individual kontakion stanzas were often called troparia. So also, from the 8th century, were stanzas of another sung religious form, the kanōn.