What is ominous feel?

(ɒmɪnəs ) adjective. If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something unpleasant is going to happen.

What are examples of ominous?

Ominous definition The definition of ominous is something that suggests bad things will happen soon. An example of ominous is a dark cloud before a thunderstorm. Of or serving as an omen; esp., having the character of an evil omen; threatening; sinister.

What is an ominous person?

ominous in American English (ˈɑmənəs ) adjective. of or serving as an omen; esp., having the character of an evil omen; threatening; sinister.

Is ominous positive or negative?

They have always been an omen of luck to me.” (From the Weekly News, Glasgow, 1989.) Yet “ominous,” first recorded in 1589, has always been unequivocally negative. There’s nothing good in the OED’s earliest definition: “Of ill omen, inauspicious; indicative or suggestive of future misfortune.”

How do you use ominous?

Ominous sentence example

  1. Her ominous tone did not register with him.
  2. There was an ominous silence.
  3. His ominous farewell silenced her.
  4. Gabriel’s ominous warning suddenly made sense.
  5. The door closed with an ominous boom that echoed throughout what sounded like a massive but empty chamber.

What is the best synonym for ominous?


  • apocalyptic.
  • dangerous.
  • dark.
  • dire.
  • dismal.
  • gloomy.
  • grim.
  • haunting.

What is a good synonym for ominous?

The words fateful and portentous are common synonyms of ominous. While all three words mean “having a menacing or threatening aspect,” ominous implies having a menacing, alarming character foreshadowing evil or disaster.

Does ominous mean scary?

While all three words mean “having a menacing or threatening aspect,” ominous implies having a menacing, alarming character foreshadowing evil or disaster.

Is Ominosity a word?

Ominosity definition The state or quality of being ominous.

Is Ominous a mood?

portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious:an ominous bank of dark clouds. indicating the nature of a future event, for good or evil; having the significance of an omen; being a portent: Some of these events were immediately ominous, while others only later revealed themselves as such.

What is another word for ominous?

Synonyms & Antonyms of ominous

  • baleful,
  • dire,
  • direful,
  • doomy,
  • foreboding,
  • ill,
  • ill-boding,
  • inauspicious,