What is Okresult?

Executes the result operation of the action method asynchronously. This method is called by MVC to process the result of an action method. The default implementation of this method calls the ExecuteResult(ActionContext) method and returns a completed task. (Inherited from ActionResult)

What is ObjectResult?

ObjectResult is an IActionResult that has content negotiation built in. Inside its ExecuteResultAsync , responsible for writing to the response stream, the framework will walk through the available formatters and select a relevant one.

What is C# Responsemessage?

A HttpResponseMessage allows us to work with the HTTP protocol (for example, with the headers property) and unifies our return type. In simple words an HttpResponseMessage is a way of returning a message/data from your action.

What is HttpStatusCodeResult?

HttpStatusCodeResult returns an HTTP status code to the browser, along with a custom message to be displayed. HttpUnauthorizedResult. HttpUnauthorizedResult is the same as HttpStatusCodeResult HttpStatusCode.

Should I use .NET Framework or .NET core?

NET and ASP.NET Core are your best options. The high-performance server runtime for Windows Server and Linux makes ASP.NET Core a top performing web framework on TechEmpower benchmarks. Performance and scalability are especially relevant for microservices architectures, where hundreds of microservices may be running.

What is MultipartFormDataContent?

This type is derived from MultipartContent type. All MultipartFormDataContent does is provide methods to add required Content-Disposition headers to content object added to the collection.

What is MediaTypeHeaderValue?

The MediaTypeHeaderValue class provides support for the media type used in a Content-Type header as defined in RFC 2616 by the IETF. An example of a media-type would be “text/plain; charset=iso-8859-5”.