What is NPI Number Lookup?

The NPI Number Lookup Service is a free directory of all active National Provider Identifier (NPI) records in the NPI registry. Healthcare providers acquire their unique 10-digit NPIs to identify themselves in a standard way throughout their industry.

Can someone steal your NPI number?

Unfortunately, like a social security number, a NPI is also vulnerable to theft. This is because NPI are not confidential and can be publicly accessed through National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, as well as by your employees and possibly through online attacks.

How do I get a copy of my NPI letter?

A: To request a replacement NPI confirmation letter or email, contact the Enumerator Office at 1-800-465-3203. You may also request a replacement online via the following link: https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/LoginPage.do?userType=PROVIDER.

What is an NPI number used for?

An NPI is a unique identification number for covered health care providers, created to help send health information electronically more quickly and effectively. Covered health care providers, all health plans, and health care clearinghouses must use NPIs in their administrative and financial transactions.

Is national provider identifier PII?

Most of the personally identifiable information (PII) in LTCH will be about LTCH patients; however, certain information may be collected about providers who work in LTCHs that may be considered to be PII (i.e., National Provider Identifier (NPI), personal contact information, and Social Security Number (SSN), if used …

What is the difference between NPI Type 1 and 2?

There are two types of NPIs: Type 1, for individual health care providers, such as dentists and hygienists, and Type 2 for incorporated businesses, such as group practices and clinics. Type 1 is for the provider.

Where do I Find my NPI number?

Apply online (nppes.cms.hhs.gov).

  • Mail-in a written application.
  • Through an electronic file interchange provided by a large organization.
  • Where can I find a NPI number?

    – Submit a written request on the provider’s letterhead – Include the NPI – Include the practice address for the requested PTAN – Sign the request Only delegated or authorized officials may request a group, facility, or supplier PTAN.

    How to look up my NPI number?

    – B for clinics or hospitals – E for manufacturers – C for practitioners – R for narcotic treatment programs

    How to look up NPI number?

    – Name (search will return all NPI registered practitioners with that name) – Organization name (search will return all NPI registered organizations featuring these words) – An NPI number (search will return the record for that exact number)