What is normal after a colposcopy?
What is normal after a colposcopy?
After a colposcopy you may have some mild pain, similar to period pain, for a few days. Taking a painkiller such as paracetamol can help. You are also likely to have some bleeding and discharge from your vagina. If you had a colposcopy only, then the bleeding and discharge may pass after a few days.
What do colposcopy results show?
Colposcopies primarily check for cancer cells or cells that could become cancer if not treated (also called cervical dysplasia). Your provider will look for these cells in your cervix, vagina and external genitals (vulva). Colposcopies can also test for genital warts and noncancerous growths called polyps.
What percent of colposcopy is normal?
About 4 in 10 colposcopy results are normal. This means no cell changes (abnormal cells) were found in your cervix during colposcopy or biopsy. You can have a normal colposcopy result even if you had an abnormal cervical screening result.
What happens if my colposcopy comes back abnormal?
You may need treatment if the results of your colposcopy show that there are abnormal cells in your cervix. The abnormal cells will be removed, which usually involves removing an area of the cervix about the size of a finger tip.
What if your cervical biopsy is positive?
However, if you recently had a cervical biopsy, you may need repeated Pap and HPV testing sooner. A positive test, on the other hand, means that cancer or precancerous cells have been found and further diagnosis and treatment may be needed.
How long after colposcopy will I get results?
A specialist called a pathologist will examine the tissue sample from the cervical biopsy and send a report to your doctor. Biopsy results most often take 1 to 2 weeks. A normal result means there is no cancer and no abnormal changes were seen.
Why do I need a second colposcopy?
If cell changes come back, they are usually found after your follow-up appointment. If your cervical screening (smear test) done during this appointment finds high-risk HPV, you will usually have further tests at colposcopy again.
What should you not do after a colposcopy?
Do not douche, have sexual intercourse, or use tampons for 1 week if you had a biopsy. This will allow time for your cervix to heal. You can take a bath or shower anytime after the test.
How many biopsies are taken during a colposcopy?
“The full benefit of earlier detection of HSIL by screening using HPV testing will depend on improvement and standardization of colposcopy.” At least two or three biopsies should be taken based on these results.
Can I take a bath after colposcopy?
Here are some other things to keep in mind after your colposcopy and biopsy: You can shower or bathe as soon as you want. If you didn’t have a biopsy, you can have vaginal sex whenever you want. If you did have a biopsy, wait about 3 days to have vaginal sex.