What is NLS character?

Oracle’s National Language Support (NLS) architecture allows you to store, process, and retrieve data in native languages. It ensures that database utilities and error messages, sort order, date, time, monetary, numeric, and calendar conventions automatically adapt to the native language and locale.

What is nls lang?

NLS_LANG is set as a local environment variable on UNIX platforms. NLS_LANG is set in the registry on Windows platforms. The NLS_LANG parameter has three components: language, territory, and character set. Specify it in the following format, including the punctuation: NLS_LANG = language_territory.charset.

How do I find my NLS character set?

The database character set value of an Oracle database can be determined by running the following command in Oracle’s SQL*Plus or PDSQL: select * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS where parameter=’NLS_CHARACTERSET’;

What is US7ASCII character set?

Common character sets include: US7ASCII: US 7-bit ASCII character set. WE8DEC: West European 8-bit character set. F7DEC: DEC French 7-bit character set.

What is NLS string?

National Language Support (NLS) is a technology enabling Oracle applications to interact with users in their native language, using their conventions for displaying data.

What is NLS parameter?

NLS parameters determine the locale-specific behavior on both the client and the server. There are four ways to specify NLS parameters: As initialization parameters on the server. You can include parameters in the initialization parameter file to specify a default session NLS environment.

What is DB character set?

What is a database character set? The NLS_CHARACTERSET of an Oracle database defines what characters can be stored in the database using the CHAR, VARCHAR2, LONG and CLOB datatypes. A Character set does not define languages, it defines a certain range of characters.

What is NLS date format?


What is the difference between AL32UTF8 and UTF8?

Aka AL32UTF8 has extra characters available but it has all the same as UTF8. But there is one important difference here. While UTF8 uses only 2 bytes to store data AL32UTF8 uses 2 or 4 bytes.