What is Network Centric Waveform?

Network Centric Waveform is a multimedia transport system allowing full-mesh, packet-switched IP communication networks over SHF transponded geosynchronous satellites, such as the Wideband Global Satellite constellation. An NCW network consists of up to 255 SATCOM terminals.

How many users can a CPN support?

Each cellular support capability will support 32 simultaneous users (threshold), 48 simultaneous users (objective). The system will be capable of providing the full cellular capability in 10 MHz of spectrum (3G) and 20 MHz (4G LTE).

What is a tactical hub node?

The Tactical Hub node is the central element of the Inc 1 network that links deployed JNN systems and BnCPs via satellite connectivity while providing communication interfaces to other fixed and deployed networks.

Why did win t fail?

– Due to complexity, the WIN-T Increment 3 tunnel-less architecture is not effective and adversely affected planning, controlling, monitoring, and visualization at the NOSC. – The execution of the NIE 16.2 WIN-T Increment 3 Operational Assessment was not adequate to assess operational suitability.

What is a colorless network?

“The reason it is called ‘colorless’ is that the Army often places color codes on certain security enclaves, with secret typically being designated as red and unclassified as black,” Kantonides said. “In the colorless core, since you can’t see the information, you don’t know what color it is.

What is a CPN army?

CPN: The Command Post Node (CPN) provides direct network access to users within a Battalion element. It utilizes KU STT satellite or HCLOS connectivity.

What is Army CPN?

CPN: The Command Post Node (CPN) provides direct network access to users within a Battalion element. It utilizes KU STT satellite or HCLOS connectivity. It has permanent links to the Hub Node and JNN or SSS(V)3 and can establish on demand connections to other CPNs within the network.

What is an STT military?

The Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT), a highly mobile satellite system, operates in conjunction with the JNN and CPN. It is designed to establish secure voice, video and data communications virtually anytime and anywhere.

Does the Army still use Win T?

The US Army’s Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) has been and will continue to be one of the largest C4I programs in the world.

What is an army STT?

What is a black core network?

Definition(s): A communication network architecture in which user data traversing a global internet protocol (IP) network is end-to-end encrypted at the IP layer.

What is a colorless router?

The colorless core routing enclave increases capability by encrypting all data, both classified and unclassified, as it is transported over satellites and line-of-sight links. It enables Soldiers to send information across the battlefield without fear of the enemy intercepting sensitive information.