What is Navarea warning?
What is Navarea warning?
NAVAREA Warnings are concerned with information which ocean-going mariners require for their safe navigation. This includes, in particular, failures to important aids to navigation as well as information which may require changes to planned navigational routes.
What is the purpose of NAVTEX?
NAVTEX is an international automated medium frequency (518 kHz) direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent marine safety information to ships.
What are the 21 NAVAREAs?
The world is divided into 16 areas + 5 areas recently introduced for the Arctic region.
- Navarea 1 – North Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic Sea.
- Navarea 2 – East Atlantic.
- Navarea 3 – Mediterranean Sea.
- Navarea 4 – West Atlantic.
- Navarea 5 – Brasil.
- Navarea 6 – Argentina, Uruguay.
- Navarea 7 – South Africa.
- Navarea 8 – India.
How many Navarea are there?
Map of the 21 NAVAREAS into which all the world’s oceans are divided. Each serves to allocate responsibility for sending Marine and Safety Information (navigational warnings) to ships at sea, as part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
What kind of information can be achieved from a NAVTEX?
Navtex is a form of extra insurance and aid in the peace of mind. It is a very convenient way of monitoring navigational warnings, meteorological warnings, search and rescue information and other data for ships sailing within 200 to 400 nautical miles off the coast.
Do I need NAVTEX?
Wherever you are at sea in the world, a set receiving NAVTEX 518 kHz should provide you with relevant weather forecasts, severe weather warnings and navigation warnings such as obstructions or buoys off station.
What is the range of NAVTEX?
about 400 nautical miles
NAVTEX transmissions have a designed range of about 400 nautical miles.
How many NAVAREA are there?
How do I choose a NAVTEX station?
In the manual mode, the navigating officer can select what stations he/she wishes to receive. A list of Navtex Stations can be found in the Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 3 Part 1 and in the List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (List IV) for reference.