What is name hiding in C++?

If a class name or enumeration name is in scope and not hidden, it is visible. A class name or enumeration name can be hidden by an explicit declaration of that same name — as an object, function, or enumerator — in a nested declarative region or derived class.

What is the std namespace in C++?

It is known that “std” (abbreviation for the standard) is a namespace whose members are used in the program. So the members of the “std” namespace are cout, cin, endl, etc. This namespace is present in the iostream. h header file. Below is the code snippet in C++ showing content written inside iostream.

Can you use two namespaces C++?

You can have the same name defined in two different namespaces, but if that is true, then you can only use one of those namespaces at a time. However, this does not mean you cannot use the two namespace in the same program. You can use them each at different times in the same program.

How do you hide base class method?

For hiding the base class method from derived class simply declare the derived class method with the new keyword. Whereas in C#, for overriding the base class method in a derived class, you need to declare the base class method as virtual and the derived class method as overriden.

What is cin and cout in C++?

cin is an object of the input stream and is used to take input from input streams like files, console, etc. cout is an object of the output stream that is used to show output. Basically, cin is an input statement while cout is an output statement. They also use different operators.

What is the difference between iostream and namespace std?

Both are completely different things. The former is a preprocessor directive to copy all the contents of “iostream” header file in the current file while the later is used to use include std in the global namespace.

Why do we hide methods?

Method hiding can be defined as, “if a subclass defines a static method with the same signature as a static method in the super class, in such a case, the method in the subclass hides the one in the superclass.” The mechanism is known as method hiding. It happens because static methods are resolved at compile time.