What is Mycenaean tholos?

The {Mycenaean tholos tomb} consists of a circular, subterranean burial chamber, sometimes referred to as the {thalamos}, roofed by a corbelled vault and approached by a {dromos} [= entrance passage] that narrows abruptly at the {stomion} [= doorway] actually opening into the tomb chamber.

What is special about the tholos tombs?

Though employing technically simple architectural techniques, these tombs were built to achieve monumental effect, often so successfully as to merit offerings from later peoples and associations with hero cults.

Who used tholos?

The tholos at Olympia, known as the Philippeum, was a round building of the Ionic order, with Corinthian half columns on the inside; it was erected by Philip II of Macedon to commemorate his victory over the Greeks at Chaeronea in 338 bc. The tholos, built c. 390 bc, at Marmaria, Delphi, Greece.

How many tholos did they find at Mycenae?

nine tholos tombs
The nine tholos tombs at Mycenae are divided into two groups by a long hill called the Panagia ridge.

How was the tholos made?

The tholos was built out of ashlar blocks using a technique known as corbelling to create the dome (see page title illustration). This involved laying the stones so that each horizontal course slightly overlapped the one below it until the distance was small enough so that a single slab could be used to close the gap.

Where is the tholos tomb?

Treasury of Atreus, also called Tomb of Agamemnon, a beehive, or tholos, tomb built about 1350 to 1250 bc at Mycenae, Greece.

Where is tholos tomb located?

A few early examples of tholoi have been found in Messenia in the SW Peloponnese Greece (for example at Voidhokoilia), and recently near Troezen in the NE Peloponnese. These tholoi are built on level ground and then enclosed by a mound of earth.

What was the tholos tomb made of?

ashlar blocks
Tholos Tombs at Mycenae The tholos was built out of ashlar blocks using a technique known as corbelling to create the dome (see page title illustration).

How was the tholos built?

When were tholos tombs built?

Treasury of Atreus, also called Tomb of Agamemnon, a beehive, or tholos, tomb built about 1350 to 1250 bc at Mycenae, Greece.