What is my Db2 instance name?

For DB2 Database Server, the default instance is “DB2”.

How do I find my Db2 instance ID?

View the value of the DB2INSTANCE system environment variable.

  1. On Windows operating systems, issue the following command: echo Û2INSTANCE%
  2. On Linux® and UNIX operating systems, issue the following command: echo $DB2INSTANCE.

What is TSM instance?

TSM Instance – The TSM Instance is a separate instance of the TSM server software running on a TSM server. A single TSM server can run multiple TSM Instances. This is normally implemented by setting up a separate set of client and administration ports for each TSM Instance.

Where is Db2 catalog information stored?

The system database directory resides in the SQLDBDIR subdirectory in the instance directory. This directory is used to catalog both local and remote databases. The directory contains the database name, alias, type, and node where the database resides.

How can I tell if DB2 is instance is running?

To check the status of the target DB2

  1. From EZDB2, hyperlink on DB2 Status Summary.
  2. To review recent history, on the COMMAND line type TIME * * 2H to see the last 2 hours by 15-minute intervals.
  3. Type INCLUDE TIME to see the times (the Intvl Time column is added to the view).

What is spectrum Protectplus?

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus is a modern data resilience solution that provides recovery, replication, retention, and reuse for VMs, databases, applications, file systems, SaaS workloads, and containers in hybrid cloud environments.

What is Db2 catalog command?

Db2 automatically catalogs databases when they are created. It catalogs an entry for the database in the local database directory and another entry in the system database directory.

How do I start a DB2 instance?

Starting the Db2 instance

  1. Log in as db2 (instance user).
  2. Run the following commands to start the instance if it is not already running: $ db2start.
  3. Verify the Db2 server level by running the following command: