What is multivitamin tablets NFI?

Multivitamins are used to provide vitamins that are not taken in through the diet. Multivitamins are also used to treat vitamin deficiencies (lack of vitamins) caused by illness, pregnancy, poor nutrition, digestive disorders, and many other conditions.

What is the use of vitamin B complex tablets NFI therapeutic?

This product is a combination of B vitamins used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, certain illnesses, alcoholism, or during pregnancy. Vitamins are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health.

What is multivitamin tablets used for?

Multivitamins are used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency due to poor diet or certain illnesses. Multivitamins is available under the following different brand names: Folgard, Natalins Rx, Nestabs CBF, and Nestabs FA.

Can vitamins help gain weight?

It’s no secret vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health. Though you cannot use vitamins to gain weight because they do not contain calories. However, preventing vitamin deficiencies can help you avoid a poor appetite.

How many vitamin B complex tablets should I take?

The daily recommended dosage of Vitamin B Complex varies for different people. For young adults, 400 micrograms (mcg) daily. Lactating mothers require 500 mcg a day. 600 mcg a day for pregnant women and older adults.

What is the good time to take multivitamin?

the morning
While the best time to take your multivitamin is ultimately the time you’ll remember to take it, experts generally agree that in the morning or midday—and with a little food—is a safe bet. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine.

Can I take multivitamin at night?

You can take a multivitamin at night, as long as you take it with a small bit of food to coat your stomach and to help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins.

What age should I take vitamins?

Try a chewable vitamin if your child won’t take a pill or liquid supplement. Consider waiting until a child reaches age 4 to start giving a multivitamin supplement, unless your child’s doctor suggests otherwise.