What is MOS qualified?

Since an individual can obtain multiple job specialties, a duty military occupational specialty (DMOS) is used to identify what their primary job function is at any given time. An individual must complete and pass all required training for their military occupational specialty qualification (MOSQ).

What is an example of MOS?

For example, you could be assigned as an infantryman (MOS code 11B), a diver in the Army Corps of Engineers (MOS code 12D), an acquisition, logistics & technology (AL) contracting NCO (MOS code 51C), an information technology specialist (MOS code 25B), or a watercraft engineer (MOS code 88L).

What is a job MOS?

The Army calls its jobs military occupational specialties, or MOS. Each of the MOS requires advanced individual training and specialization. Army jobs can be divided into two basic categories: those that participate in combat missions and those that support the soldiers who are in combat roles.

What is a MOS title?

The United States Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a system of categorizing career fields. All enlisted and officer Marines are assigned a four-digit code denoting their primary occupational field and specialty.

What is MOS training?

Career Management Fields (CMF) / Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) The Army provides additional specialized training to Soldiers that already have an MOS, this specialized training further enhances the Soldier to meet qualifications required to conduct unit’s mission at higher echelons (tier groups 2, 3, 4 and 5).

What is an MOS in the Army?

An MOS is the role or job someone had while in the military. There are over 10,000 different occupational specialties across the military that cover a whole range of skillsets and levels of responsibility. Perhaps the best way to think of an MOS is the same way you would think about someone’s college major.

Is Army officer an MOS?

The U.S. Army Officer MOS. Just like enlisted personnel MOSs, Army commissioned officer jobs are listed by a code. They are grouped into different career management fields (the first two digits) and then by a specific job in that field (the last digit).

What is Army officer MOS?

The Best Career Paths for an Army Officer

  • Assignments for Army Officers.
  • Functional Areas for Army Officers.
  • Branch 11–Infantry.
  • Branch 12–Corps of Engineers.
  • Branch 13–Field Artillery.
  • Branch 14–Air Defense Artillery.
  • Branch 15–Aviation.
  • Branch 18–Special Forces.

How many MOS are in the Army?

190 MOSs
The Army calls their enlisted jobs MOSs, or “Military Occupation Specialties.” The Army has around 190 MOSs available for enlisted Soldiers. Similar specialties are divided into “branches” or “fields.” These are the Army enlisted job fields with the MOSs that fall under that branch.

What’s MOS mean in the military?

Military Occupational Specialties
There are hundreds of these roles available for aspiring Marines, roles the Marine Corps refers to as Military Occupational Specialties (MOS). These MOS are categorized into Military Occupational Fields, most of which are described on this page.

Whats a MOS in the Army?